Special Offers on UNP Journals

Save 10% on North Dakota Quarterly

Order one or more single issues or a subscription to North Dakota Quarterly, use coupon code 2024AWPKC when you check out, and get 10% off. Order the most recent issue, NDQ 90.3-4, or choose any back issue from our in-stock selection. Get a subscription and you won’t run short on poetry, essays, fiction, and more! New subscriptions to NDQ will be to the forthcoming Volume 91.

Save 20% on Resistance: A Journal of Radical Environmental Humanities

Under the leadership of the new editor-in-chief, Marco Armiero, Resilience: A Journal of Environmental Humanities is entering a new phase in its evolution. Take the journal on the go with you and order an e-sub! Use coupon code 2024AWPKC for 20% off subscriptions and you could be the first to read this newly reimagined journal on environmental humanities.

This discount is available through 4/30/2024.