Welcome, German Studies Association Attendees!
We are pleased you are taking the time to visit our conference page. Take a look at some of the books and journals published by the University of Nebraska Press and the special offers we are making available to you. If you have a question for us about our books or journals or would like to schedule a conversation, please use the “Contact us” button below.
Now published by the University of Nebraska Press for the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History
This English-language journal focuses on 20th and 21st-Century history with each annual issue devoted to one central theme. It contains a combination of translated articles from the prestigious quarterly journal Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte along with original research. Its goal is to disseminate this important scholarship to an English-speaking audience.
Copies of the 2021 volume as well as all previous volumes are available for purchase as single-issues from UNP, or you may order a subscription to the journal. A subscription order placed now will give you the 2021 volume—with no single-copy shipping charges—and will ensure you are reminded when it is time to renew for the 2022 volume.
Libraries will be able to purchase single-title subscriptions (no collection availability) to the e-version of German Yearbook of Contemporary History for 2022 through Project MUSE.
Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off an individual print subscription through 10/31/2021.
The official journal of the Coalition of Women in German. Members receive subscriptions as a benefit of membership.
Feminist German Studies (formerly the Women in German Yearbook) presents a wide range of feminist approaches to all aspects of German literature, culture, and language. Each of its two issues per year contains critical inquiries employing gender and other analytical categories to examine the work, history, life, literature, and arts of the German-speaking world. The spring/summer issue each year focuses on a specific theme, while the fall/winter issue is more general and includes book reviews.
This article on Project MUSE is free for anyone to read during the conference:
The guest editors’ introduction to the “Special Issue: Performing Resistance”
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print or electronic subscription through 10/31/2021.
The official journal of the Austrian Studies Association. Subscriptions include membership in the ASA.
The Journal of Austrian Studies is an interdisciplinary quarterly publishing scholarly articles and book reviews on all aspects of the history and culture of Austria, Austro-Hungary, and the Habsburg territory. It highlights scholarly work drawing on innovative methodologies and new ways of viewing Austrian history and culture.
This article on Project MUSE is free for anyone to read during the conference:
The editors’ introduction to a special issue on Felix Dörmann
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print or electronic subscription through 10/31/2021.
A State of Secrecy: Stasi Informers and the Culture of Surveillance
By Alison Lewis
Secret police agencies such as the East German Ministry for State Security kept enormous quantities of secrets about their own citizens, relying heavily on human modes of data collection in the form of informants. To date little is known about the complicated and conflicted lives of informers, who often lived in a perpetual state of secrecy. This is the first study of its kind to explore this secret surveillance society, its arcane rituals, and the secret lives it fostered.
Through a series of interlocking, in-depth case studies of informers in literature and the arts, A State of Secrecy seeks answers to the question of how the collusion of the East German intelligentsia with the Stasi was possible and sustainable. It draws on extensive original archive research conducted in the BStU (Stasi Records Agency), as well as eyewitness testimony, literature, and film, and uses a broad array of methods from biography, sociology, cultural studies, and literary history to political science and surveillance and intelligence studies. In teasing out the various kinds of entanglements of intellectuals with power during the Cold War, Lewis presents a microhistory of the covert activities of those writers who colluded with the secret police.
Use discount code 6FTF to receive 40% off: https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/potomac-books/9781640123793/
Cold War Spy Stories from Eastern Europe
Edited by Valentina Glajar, Alison Lewis, and Corina L. Petrescu
During the Cold War, stories of espionage became popular on both sides of the Iron Curtain, capturing the imagination of readers and filmgoers alike as secret police quietly engaged in surveillance under the shroud of impenetrable secrecy. And curiously, in the post–Cold War period there are no signs of this enthusiasm diminishing.
The opening of secret police archives in many Eastern European countries has provided the opportunity to excavate and narrate for the first time forgotten spy stories. Cold War Spy Stories from Eastern Europe brings together a wide range of accounts compiled from the East German Stasi, the Romanian Securitate, and the Ukrainian KGB files. The stories are a complex amalgam of fact and fiction, history and imagination, past and present. These stories of collusion and complicity, betrayal and treason, right and wrong, and good and evil cast surprising new light on the question of Cold War certainties and divides.
Use discount code 6FTF to receive 40% off: https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/potomac/9781640121874/
A new journal coming Fall 2021.
Home Front Studies is an interdisciplinary, international journal exploring the the concept of the home front, broadly considered, in times of war, civil war, and similar conflicts from the late nineteenth century to the present day. As such, its focus is not on battles, military leadership and training, theaters of conflict, or war strategies. Rather, the journal looks at the role of art, citizenship, culture, discrimination, finance, gender, identity, music, morale, propaganda, resistance, society, and other factors as experienced by civilians on home fronts in locations around the world.
The editor is currently inviting manuscripts for inclusion in future issues. Instructions are available on the journal’s webpage; click on “Submissions & Book Reviews.”
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print subscription through 10/31/2021.
Libraries will be able to purchase single-title subscriptions (no collection availability) to the e-version of Home Front Studies for 2022 through Project MUSE.
One of the premier journals in feminist and gender studies for over 40 years.
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies has a diverse and decisively interdisciplinary publication agenda that explores the critical intersections among—to name a few dimensions—gender, race, sexuality, and transnationalism.
This article on Project MUSE is free for anyone to read during the conference:
Female Refugees in Rural Germany: A Local Aid Agency’s Efforts to Build on Women’s Experiences and Needs
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print or electronic subscription through 10/31/2021.
The official journal of the Magazine Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Members receive the journal as a benefit of membership.
The Journal of Magazine Media is devoted to advancing research, knowledge, and understanding of magazines and new media and the pedagogy related to those areas. The journal publishes research reports and interpretive articles along with opinion pieces, essays, and critical reviews of books and teaching materials that deal with magazines and new media.
This article on Project MUSE is permanently free for anyone to read:
Visual Framing of Patriotism and National Identity on the Covers of Der Spiegel.
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print or electronic subscription through 10/31/2021.
A journal of gender and culture.
Women and Music draws on a wide range of disciplines and approaches to further the understanding of the relationships among gender, music, and culture, with special attention being given to the concerns of women.
This article on Project MUSE is free for anyone to read during the conference:
(Re)Considering the Priestess: Clara Schumann, Historiography, and the Visual
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print or electronic subscription through 10/31/2021.
Innovative approaches to exploring relationships between literary and other texts.
INTERTEXTS looks at the relationships between literary texts and other texts, be they literary, historical, theoretical, philosophical, or social. Hybrid methodologies combining elements from a range of disciplines are encouraged and methodological reflections and argumentation are valued. The journal is particularly interested in the use of theoretical perspectives to analyze texts other than those to which they are generally applied, hoping to provide not only new understandings of familiar texts but also to use those texts to examine the virtues and limitations of contemporary literary theory.
This article on Project MUSE is free for anyone to read during the conference:
Reciprocal Reflections: Nostalgia for the Present in Vladimir Nabokov’s “A Guide to Berlin” and Walter Benjamin’s “Moscow” Essay
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print or electronic subscription through 10/31/2021.
A journal of the environmental humanities.
Resilience is a forum for scholars from across humanities disciplines to speak to one another about their shared interest in environmental issues and to plot out an evolving conversation about what the humanities contribute to living and thinking sustainably in a world of dwindling resources. The focus on narrative skill, critical thinking, historicity, culture, aesthetics and ethics central to the humanities and to humanistic social sciences provides a crucial research complement to the endeavors of scientists in addressing current planetary crises, and the mission of Resilience is to share that perspective with a broad academic audience.
This article on Project MUSE is free for anyone to read during the conference:
The Mountain and the Wolf: Aldo Leopold’s Uexküllian Influence
Resilience is available as an e-journal only. Subscriptions are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a subscription through 10/31/2021.
Resilience is joining the Project MUSE Premium Collection in 2022.
Developing new approaches to the study of trauma in literature and the trauma of literature.
The Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies places a critical, theoretical, and methodological focus on the relationship between literature and trauma. It aims to foster a broad interrogative dialogue between philosophy, psychoanalysis, and literary criticism. The mission of the journal is to encourage philosophical, political, and historically orientated research that takes literature as the primary site for investigations into trauma in all its forms and manifestations.
This article on Project MUSE is free for anyone to read during the conference:
Exploring the Fictions of Perpetrator Suffering
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print or electronic subscription through 10/31/2021.
The official journal of the Historical Geography Specialty group of the American Association of Geographers. Members receive the journal as a benefit of membership.
Historical Geography encourages and interdisciplinary and international dialog among scholars, professionals, and students interested in geographic perspectives on the past. It is concerned with maintaining historical geography’s ongoing intellectual contribution to social scientific and humanities-base disciplines.
This article in the Historical Geography archive is permanently free for anyone to read:
Picturing Difference: Writing the Races in the 1896 Berlin Trade Exposition’s Souvenir Album
These book reviews on Project MUSE are permanently free for anyone to read:
Hitler’s Geographies: The Spatialities of the Third Reich ed. by Paolo Giaccaria and Claudio Minca (review)
Remapping Modern Germany after National Socialism, 1945–1961 by Matthew D. Mingus (review)
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print or electronic subscription through 10/31/2021.
A comparative theory and literature journal.
symplokē is a comparative theory and literature journal, committed to interdisciplinary studies, intellectual pluralism, and open discussion. The journal takes its name from the Greek word “symploke”, which can mean interweaving, interlacing, connection, and struggle. It is a forum for scholars from a variety of disciplines to exchange ideas in innovative ways.
This article on Project MUSE is free for anyone to read during the conference:
Gendered Border Crossings: The Films of Division in Divided Germany
Subscriptions to the journal are available here. Use coupon code GSAIN2021 to get 20% off a print or electronic subscription through 10/31/2021.