Statement of Publishing Ethics
Home Front Studies
ISSN 2768-5578, eISSN 2768-5586
Published annually
Editor: James J. Kimble, Seton Hall University
Editorial board: Available on the Editorial Board tab on the webpage listed above
Journal owner: University of Nebraska Press

This journal supports the principles of diversity, inclusivity, and ethical scholarship in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics. It is committed to enforcing all applicable laws involving plagiarism, copyright, and libel. During the review process, the journal commits to considering manuscripts without regard to the citizenship, ethnic origin, gender identity, political beliefs, race, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation of the author(s). Manuscript submissions and editorial decisions involving them are confidential, with disclosures of appropriate information limited to corresponding authors, reviewers, and the publisher.

Unless otherwise indicated in the journal, all research published in Home Front Studies is subjected to double anonymous peer review. The details of the review process are available in the notice of submission guidelines (“Submissions and Book Reviews”) on the journal’s webpage.

The journal staff takes all reasonable measures to identify misconduct and to prevent publication in such instances. It also promptly investigates any allegations of misconduct. All submitted manuscripts undergo a plagiarism scan; plagiarized work is subject to the appropriate notification of home institutions, and, in the case of a work already published, retraction. Both the editor and the publisher will publish necessary apologies, clarifications, corrections, or retractions.

Authors must immediately notify the editor if any errors are discovered in their contribution, whether it is after submission or publication. As a condition of publication, they agree to retract or to correct any errors discovered after publication. Manuscripts must properly acknowledge the contributions of all authors, research participants, source material, and sources of funding.

Reviewers for the journal, whether they are editorial board members or guest reviewers, must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. The editor will not assign manuscripts to reviewers with potential conflicts. In order to ensure the soundness of manuscript assessments as well as the identification of relevant work that may remain uncited in submissions, Home Front Studies assigns reviews only to those who possess the appropriate level of subject matter expertise and contextual familiarity with the manuscript’s field or sub-field.

Home Front Studies is available to individuals and institutions in print format by subscription and single issue purchase. Ordering information is available on the journal’s webpage and the publisher’s customer service page. Online availability will be announced at a later date.

After publication, final digital files of the print version of each issue are maintained indefinitely by the University of Nebraska Press in secure, redundant cloud storage. Copies of these files are also maintained by UNP’s printing vendor.

The University of Nebraska Press holds copyright to the content of Home Front Studies and manages rights associated with it. Permission to reprint content may be requested on the publisher’s website.

Contact information for the editor can be found on the journal’s webpage under the Submissions and Book Reviews tab. Contact information for the publisher is available on its website.