American Indian Quarterly 25:4

American Indian Quarterly 25:4

Edited by Devon Abbott Mihesuah

Table Of Contents

The Havana Connection: Buffalo Tiger, Fidel Castro, and the Origin of Miccosukee Tribal Sovereignty, 1959-1962
Harry A. Kersey Jr.

Chief”: The American Indian Integration of Baseball, 1897-1945
Jeffrey Powers-Beck

The Lemhi Shoshoni: Ethnogenesis, Sociological Transformations, and the Construction of a Tribal Nation
Gregory R. Campbell

Francis LaFlesche and the World of Letters
Sherry L. Smith

“Indian for a While”: Charles Eastman’s Indian Boyhood and the Discourse of Allotment
David J. Carlson

Placing the Ancestors: Postmodernism, “Realism,” and American Indian Identity in James Welch’s Winter in the Blood
Sean Teuton



Response to Theodore Binnema
George Sioui


Jill St. Germain. Indian Treaty-Making Policy in the United States and Canada, 1867-1877
Mark Van De Logt

Ruth J. Heflin. “I Remain Alive”: The Sioux Literary Renaissance
Edward J. Gallagher

Susan Lobo and Steve Talbot, eds. Native American Voices: A Reader
Christopher Teuton

Helmut Wautischer, ed. Tribal Epistemologies: Essays in the Philosophy of Anthropology
Anne Waters