symploke 11:1/2

symploke 11:1/2

Edited by Jeffrey R. Di Leo

Table Of Contents

Theory Trouble

"The Trouble with Theory"
Paul Allen Miller

"Auschwitz and Theory"
Neil Levi & Michael Rothberg

"On The Future of Theory"
Jean-Michel Rabaté & Gregg Lambert

"Theorizing: An Incomplete Project"
Horst Ruthof

"Terror and the Limits of Cultural Studies"
John Frow

"Theory and the “Chunnel”"
Georges Van Den Abbeele

"The Trouble with the Virtual"
Wojciech Kalaga

"Processual Media Theory"
Ned Rossiter

"Happiness, Theoria and Everyday Life"
Claire Colebrook

"The Geography of Theory"
Mark Gibson

"“Marginalist” Criticism"
Peter McCarthy


"Latour, Musil, and NonModernity"
Mark M. Freed

"Re-Presenting Valéry's Monsieur Teste"
Jed Deppman

"Convulsive Beauty"
Sharla Hutchinson



"Narratology: Bridging the Old and the New"
Catherine Emmott

"Cultural Production in Context"
María Cristina Pons

"Cavell's Meaning 1968"
R.M. Berry