American Indian Quarterly 30:1/2

American Indian Quarterly 30:1/2

Edited by Devon Abbott Mihesuah

Table Of Contents


David Treuer, Guest Editor

Indigenous Maori and Tongan Perspectives on the Role of Tongan Language and Culture in the Community and in the University in Aotearoa–New Zealand
Mere Kepa and Linitä Manu'atu

Reclaiming the Gift: Indigenous Youth Counter-Narratives on Native Language Loss and Revitalization
Teresa L. McCarty, Mary Eunice Romero, and Ofelia Zepeda

The Dialectics and Dialogics of Code-Switching in the Poetry of Gregory Scofield and Louise Halfe
Shelley Stigter

Neshnabemwen Renaissance: Local and National Potawatomi Language Revitalization Efforts
Christopher Wetzel

Ge-onji-aabadak Anishinaabe-inwewinan
Anton Treuer

Rethinking Native American Language Revitalization
Frederick White

Alaskan Haida Stories of Language Growth and Regeneration
Jeane Breinig

New Technologies and Contested Ideologies: The Tagish FirstVoices Project
Patrick Moore and Kate Hennessy

Lamenting Language Loss at the Modern Language Association
John Hunt Peacock Jr.

Thinking in Subversion
Eric Gansworth

Native American Languages in Print: A Student Research Project
Supervised by Bette S. Weidman