Nineteenth-Century French Studies 37:3/4

Nineteenth-Century French Studies 37:3/4

Edited by Marshall C. Olds

Table Of Contents

Joshua Landy
The Abyss of Freedom: Legitimacy, Unity, and Irony in Constant's Adolphe

Maria C. Scott
Stendhal's Heroines: Escaping History Through History

Philippe Willems
Rodolphe Töpffer and Romanticism

Courtney A. Sullivan
"Cautériser la plaie": The Lorette as Social Ill in the Goncourts and Eugène

Emma M. Bielecki
"Un Artiste en matière de chiffons": The Rag-Picker as a Figure for the Artist in Champfleury's La Mascarade de la vie parisienne

Susanne Rossbach
(Un)Veiling the Self and the Story: Dandyism, Desire, and Narrative Duplicity in Barbey d'Aurevilly's Les Diaboliques

Philip G. Hadlock
The Symptomatic Doctor

Daniel Long
Esthétisation, immaculation, transfiguration dans La Confession de Claude
de Zola

Music Studies
Kelly, Barbara, and Kerry Murphy, eds. Berlioz and Debussy: Sources, Contexts and Legacies. Essays in Honour of François Lesure
Caroline Potter

Culture Studies
Lescart, Alain, ed. Splendeurs et misères de la grisette: Evolution d'une figure emblématique
Stéphanie Boulard

Rose, Margaret A., ed. Flaneurs & Idlers
Katherine Gantz

Literary Studies
Lyons, Martyn. Reading Culture and Writing Practices in Nineteenth-Century France
Robert Justin Goldstein

Lyu, Claire Chi-ah. A Sun within a Sun: The Power and Elegance of Poetry
Susan Blood

Silverman, Willa. The New Bibliopolis: French Book Collectors and the Culture of Print, 1880-1914
Ainsley Brown

Baudelaire Studies
Guyaux, André. Baudelaire: Un Demi-Siècle de lectures des Fleurs du mal (1855-1905)
Priya Wadhera

Lloyd, Rosemary, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire
David Evans

Chateaubriand Studies
Guyot, Alain, and Roland Le Huenen. L'Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem de Chateaubriand: L'invention du voyage romantique
Tarek El-Ariss

Desbordes-Valmore Studies
Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline. Les Veillées des Antilles
Gretchen Schultz

Gautier Studies
Gautier, Théophile. OEuvres complètes: Romans, contes et nouvelles Tome 1: Mademoiselle de Maupin
Elizabeth Erbeznik

Hugo Studies
Stein, Marieke. Victor Hugo, orateur politique: 1846-1880
Miranda I. Kershaw

Loti Studies
Loti, Pierre. Journal 1879-1886
Richard M. Berrong

Turberfield, Peter James. Pierre Loti and the Theatricality of Desire
Richard M. Berrong

Maupassant Studies
Grandadam, Emmanuèle. Contes et nouvelles de Maupassant: Pour une poétique du recueil
Christopher Lloyd

Nerval Studies
Pichois, Claude, and Michel Brix. Dictionnaire Nerval
Barbara Keller

Wieser, Dagmar. Nerval: Une Poétique du deuil à l'âge romantique
Evelyne Ender

Rimbaud Studies
Rimbaud, Arthur. Œuvres complètes II: Œuvres diverses et lettres 1864/1865-1870
Seth Whidden

Roux Studies
Roux, Marius. The Substance and the Shadow
John J. Duffy, Jr.