Studies in American Naturalism 04:1

Studies in American Naturalism 04:1

Edited by Keith Newlin and Stephen C. Brennan

Table Of Contents

News and Announcements

Rebecca Nisetich
The Nature of the Beast: Scientific Theories of Race and Sexuality in McTeague

Katherine Fusco
Brute Time: Anti-Modernism in Vandover and the Brute

Tracey Lemaster
Feminist Thing Theory in Sister Carrie
Masaya Takeuchi
Bigger's Divided Self: Violence and Homosociality in Native Son
Notes and Documents
Deanna Paoli Gumina
Frank Norris: The Writer Who Couldn't Make the Numbers Add Up

Jack London's Racial Lives: A Critical Biography, by Jeanne Campbell Reesman
John Dudley

Captain Alex MacLean: Jack London's Sea Wolf, by Don MacGillivray
Kevin J. Hayes

Hollywood's American Tragedies: Dreiser, Eisenstein, Sternberg, Stevens, by Mandy Merck
Dennis Loranger

The Genesis of the Chicago Renaissance: Theodore Dreiser, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, and James T. Farrell, by Mary Hricko
Cara Erdheim
