Nineteenth-Century French Studies 40:1/2

Nineteenth-Century French Studies 40:1/2

Edited by Marshall C. Olds

Table Of Contents

Dorothy Kelly
Balzac's Disorienting Orientalism: "Une Passion dans le désert"

James Walton
Realism and Trompe-l'œil in Le Père Goriot

Dorian F. Bell
Balzac's Algeria: Realism and the Colonial

Aimée Boutin
"The Title of Lawyer Leads Nowhere!": The "Physiology" of the Law Student in Paul Gavarni, Émile de la Bédollierre and George Sand

Sarah Hurlburt
Educating Emma: A Genetic Analysis of Reading in Madame Bovary

Susanna Lee
Madame Bovary and the Möbius Strip: Mapping a "monde à part"

Kristin A. Fudeman
Linguistic Science and Mystification in Prosper Mérimée's "Lokis"

Hyun-Jung Kwon
Maeterlinck et le théâtre pour marionnettes: Alladine et Palomides, Intérieur, La mort de Tintagiles

Historical Studies
Jenson, Deborah. Beyond the Slave Narrative: Sex, Politics, and Manuscripts in the Haitian Revolution
Doris Kadish

Zarobell, John. Empire of Landscape: Space and Ideology in French Colonial Algeria
Kurt Rahmlow

Boime, Albert. Art in the Age of Civil Struggle, 1848-1871
Suzanne Singletary

Hargreaves, Alec G. Memory, Empire and Postcolonialism: Legacies of French Colonialism
Sarah E. Mosher

Genre Studies
Pasco, Allan H. Inner Workings of the Novel: Studying a Genre
Laurence M. Porter

Authorship Studies
Whidden, Seth, ed. Models of Collaboration in Nineteenth-Century French Literature: Several Authors, One Pen
Hope Christiansen

Thematic Studies
Martin, Brian Joseph. Napoleonic Friendship: Military Fraternity, Intimacy & Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century France
Marilyn Yalom

Mahieu, Raymond. L'Esprit de l'escalier ou Les Degrés du savoir
Deborah Houk Schocket

Schulman, Peter. The Sunday of Fiction: The Modern French Eccentric
Mellisa Bailar

Evans, David, and Kate Griffiths, eds. Pleasure and Pain in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture
Vaheed Ramazani

Carpenter, Scott. Aesthetics of Fraudulence in Nineteenth-Century France: Frauds, Hoaxes and Counterfeits
Julia Abramson

Barbey Studies
Bricault, Céline. La Poétique du Seuil dans l'œuvre romanesque de Barbey d'Aurevilly
Alain Toumayan

Baudelaire Studies
Baudelaire, Charles. Paris Spleen, La Fanfarlo
Ann Kennedy Smith

Comte Studies
Pickering, Mary. Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography
Keith Gore

Dumas Studies
Anselmini, Julie. Le Roman d'Alexandre Dumas Père ou la réinvention du merveilleux
Courtney A. Sullivan

Gautier Studies
Gautier, Théophile. Critique théâtrale. Tome III (1841-1842)
Cathrine Bordeau

Brunet, François. Théophile Gautier et la danse
Marie-Hélène Girard

Goncourt Studies
Goncourt, Edmond de. La Fille Élisa
Peter Vantine

Huysmans Studies
Guérin-Marmigère, Stéphanie. La Poétique romanesque de Joris-Karl Huysmans
Warren Johnson

Joyce Studies
Fordham, Finn and Rita Sakr, eds. James Joyce and the Nineteenth-Century French Novel
Brian Cosgrove

Lamartine Studies
Lamartine, Alphonse de. Avertissements, préfaces et propos sur la poésie et la littérature
Mary Ellen Birkett

Mallarmé Studies
Millan, Gordon. Les "Mardis" de Stéphane Mallarmé. Mythes et réalités
Anna Sigrídur Arnar

Michelet Studies
Michelet, Jules. Bible de l'humanité
Marilène Haroux

Proust Studies
Serça, Isabelle. Les Coutures apparentes de la Recherche: Proust et la ponctuation
Pascal Ifri
