The Undecidable Unconscious 01:1

The Undecidable Unconscious 01:1

Edited by Eric W. Anders

Table Of Contents


Let Us Not Forget the Clinic
Eric Anders

There Is No Such Thing as Transference
Jared Russell

The Signature of the Transcendental Imagination
Alan Bass

The Thinkable and the Unthinkable in Psychoanalysis and Philosophy: From Sophocles to Freud to Derrida
Arkady Plotnitsky

Haunting from the Future: Psychic Life in the Wake of Nuclear Necropolitics
Gabriele Schwab

Oedipal Promiscuity
Leo Bersani

“Masquerade” as “Masquerade”
Donald Moss

The Dignity of Belief
Gayle Salamon

What Is the Institutional Form of Thinking?
Simon Critchley

Deconstruction, Politics, and Psychoanalysis
Adam Rosen-Carole

Undecidability in the Act . . .
Gregg Lambert

Book Review
Cathy Caruth. Literature in the Ashes of History
Michael Levine
