Letter from the Editor
Ellie M. Hisama
Music and Dance in the Japanese Military "Comfort Women" System: A Case Study in the Performing Arts, War, and Sexual Violence
Joshua D. Pilzer
Working behind the Scenes: Gender, Sexuality, and Collaboration in the Vocal Arrangements of Billy Strayhorn
Lisa Barg
Icelandic Nationalism, Difference Feminism, and Björk's Maternal Aesthetic
Shana Goldin-Perschbacher
Theorizing Gender, Culture, and Music
Queer Relationships with Music and an Experiential Hermeneutics for Musical Meaning
Sarah Hankins
Review Essays
Filling the Gap: A Response to In Her Own Words
Jessica Rudman
Listening in Circles: Reflections on Pauline Oliveros's Anthology of Text Scores
Douglas Cohen