Great Plains Research 09:2

Great Plains Research 09:2

Edited by Svata M. Louda

Table Of Contents


Background and Synopsis: Symposium on the Great Plains Grasslands at the Millennium
J.E. Mitchell, S.M. Louda, and B. Gillam


The Structure and Function of Ecosystems in the Central North American Grassland Region
W.K. Laurenroth, I.C. Burke, and M.P. Gutmann


Response of Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) and Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) to Fire
Paulette L. Ford

Recent Biodiversity Patterns in the Great Plains: Implications for Restoration and Management
Carolyn Hull Sieg, Curtis H. Flather, and Stephen McCanny

Japanese Brome Impacts on Western Wheatgrass in Northern Great Plains Rangelands: An Update
M.R. Haferkamp and R.K. Keitschmidt

Comparative Ecology of Bison and Cattle on Mixed-Grass Prairie
Allen A. Steuter and Lori Hidinger


Essay: The Great Plains "Wilderness" as a Human-Shaped Environment
Dan Flores

Response of Riparian Vegetation to Streamflow Regulation and Land Use in the Great Plains
W. Carter Johnson

Prairie Grasslands: An Undervalued Resource. Grass, Cows and Environmental Management on the Canadian Prairies
Jill S. Vaisey and Peggy Strankman

Sustainability of Human Communities in Prairie Grasslands
Cornelia Butler Flora



Brown, David E.
A Classification of North American Biotic Communities
By Robert B. Kaul

Cheplick, G.P., ed.
Population Biology of Grasses
By Thomas B. Bragg

Pearson, C.J., and R.L. Ison
Agronomy of Grassland Systems
By David Bade

Chapman, Kim Alan, Adelheid Fischer, and Mary Kinsella Ziegenhagen
Valley of Grass: Tallgrass Prairie and Parkland of the Red River Valley Region
By Tom Domek

Knapp, Alan K., et al., eds.
Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie
By Mary Ann Vinton

Humphreys, L.R.
The Evolving Science of Grassland Improvement
By William K. Laurenroth

Baydack, Richard K., et al., eds.
Practical Approaches to the Conservation of biological Diversity
By Jon Paul Rodriguez

Savory, Allan, with Jody Butterfield
Holistic Management: A New Framework for Decision Making
By Cliff Montagne

Boyce, Mark S., and Alan Haney, eds.
Ecosystem Management: Applications for Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Resources
By Roger Suffling

Sheley, Roger L., and Janet K. Petroff, eds.
Biology and Management of Noxious Rangeland Weeds
By Steven Radosevich

Olson, Richard K., and Thomas A. Lyson, eds.
Under the Blade: The Conversion of Agricultural Landscapes
By Gordon Scholz

Winston, Mark L.
Nature Wars: People vs. Pests
By Dennis Keeney

Vorley, William, and Dennis Keeney, eds.
Bugs in the System: Redesigning the Pesticide Industry for Sustainable Agriculture
By Robert J. Wright

Jolota, S.K., and S.S. Prihar
Reducing Soil Water Evaporation with Tillage and Straw Mulching
By Gail A. Wicks

Flowerday, C.A., ed.
The Groundwater Atlas of Nebraska
By P. Allen Macfarlane

Murray, T.D., et al.
A Color Handbook of Diseases of Small Grain Cereal Crops
By William W. Bockus

Gorham, Gary A., ed.
Encyclopedia of Rural America
By Maurice Baker

Moulton, Gary E., ed.
Herbarium of the Lewis & Clark Expedition
By Stanley L. Welsch

Book Notes

News and Notes

Annual Index