Nineteenth-Century French Studies 43:1/2

Nineteenth-Century French Studies 43:1/2

Edited by Seth Whidden

Table Of Contents

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From the Editor

Catherine Talley
From Identity to Identifications: Depersonalizing the Subject of the Nervalian Chimère

Ramona Naddaff
A Privileged Reader: An Editorial Collaboration Between Gustave Flaubert and Louis Bouilhet

Aurélie Van de Wiele
Le Poète baudelairien: un Homme révolté? Réflexion sur l'esthétique du mal comme révolte métaphysique

Peter Vantine
Censoring/Censuring the Press under the Second Empire: The Goncourts as Journalists and Charles Demailly

Arnaud Bernadet
La Contagion de l'écho: "L'Obsession" de Charles Cros

Willemijn Don
Suffering for the Novel's Sake: Female "Mystical Substitution" in Barbey d'Aurevilly's Un prêtre marié and Bloy's Le Désespéré

Sharon Larson
"J'ai menti à la science": Female Sexual Pleasure and the Limits of Medicine in Dubut de Laforest

Caroline Ferraris-Besso
"Dans le passé mort": Pierre Loti, Images, and Time

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Regards Sur Stendhal
Reid, Martine, ed. Le Rouge et le Noir de Stendhal, Lectures critiques
Antoine Guibal

Constantin, Abraham and Stendhal. Idées italiennes sur quelques tableaux célèbres. Eds. Sandra Teroni and Hélène de Jacquelot
Wendelin Guentner

Scott, Maria C. Stendhal's Less-Loved Heroines: Freedom, Fiction, and the Female
Brigitte Mahuzier

Berthier, Philippe. Avec Stendhal
Antoine Guibal

Flaubert Philosophique
Rey, Pierre Louis and Gisèle Séginger, eds. Madame Bovary et les savoirs
Sarah Hurlburt

Séginger, Gisèle, ed. Gustave Flaubert 6: Fiction et philosophie
Sucheta Kapoor

Vaillant, Alain. Le Veau de Flaubert
Laurence M. Porter

Nerval Intime
Brix, Michel. Nerval: glanes et miettes de presse
Aimee Kilbane

Lécuyer, Sylvie. La Généalogie fantastique de Gérard de Nerval
Melanie Conroy

Literature Re-Mediated
Moran, Claire, ed. The Art of Theatre. Word, Image and Performance in France and Belgium, c. 1830–1910
Catherine Masson

Griffiths, Kate and Andrew Watts. Adapting Nineteenth-Century France. Literature in Film, Theatre, Television, Radio and Print
Charles J. Stivale

Israel-Pelletier, Aimée. Rimbaud's Impressionist Poetics: Vision and Visuality
Adrianna M. Paliyenko

Pouzet-Duzer, Virginie. L'impressionnisme littéraire
Érika Wicky

Redon, Odilon and Candice Black. Odilon Redon: I Am the First Consciousness of Chaos: the Black Album
Kathryn Webb-DeStefano

La Musique Et Les Lettres
Bennahum, Ninotchka Devorah. Carmen: A Gypsy Geography
Karen Turman

Dolan, Therese. Manet, Wagner, and the Musical Culture of Their Time
Anne Leonard

Ellis, Katharine. The Politics of Plainchant in Fin-de-Siècle France
Joseph Acquisto

Péraud, Alexandre. Le Crédit dans la poétique balzacienne
François-Emmanuël Boucher

Stiénon, Valérie. La Littérature des physiologies: sociopoétique d'un genre panoramique (1830–1845)
Aimée Boutin

Acquisto, Joseph, ed. Thinking Poetry: Philosophical Approaches to Nineteenth-Century French Poetry
Stamos Metzidakis

Utopia and Dystopia
Kerr, Greg. Dream Cities: Utopia and Prose by Poets in Nineteenth-Century France
Daniel Sipe

Sipe, Daniel. Text, Image and the Problem of Perfection in Nineteenth-Century France: Utopia and its Afterlives
Valérie Narayana

White, Nicholas. French Divorce Fiction from the Revolution to the First World War
Masha Belenky

International Cultural Exchange
Chang, Ting. Travel, Collecting, and Museums of Asian Art in Nineteenth-Century Paris
Chiara O'Reilly

Simpson, David. Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger
Abigail Ray-Alexander

McKinney, Mark. Redrawing French Empire in Comics
Philippe Willems

Vidal, Cécile. Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World
Erica Johnson

Travel Writing
Chateaubriand, François-René de. Œuvres complètes 6–7: Voyage en Amérique, Voyage en Italie, Cinq jours à Clermont, Le Mont-Blanc. Ed. Béatrice Didier. Presentation and notes by Philippe Antoine
Yves Laberge

Thompson, Christopher W. French Romantic Travel Writing: Chateaubriand to Nerval
N. Christine Brookes

Schlick, Yaël. Feminism and the Politics of Travel After the Enlightenment
Hope Christiansen

Correspondence and Collections
Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules. Lettres à Trebutien 1832–1858. Ed. Philippe Berthier
Karen L. Humphreys

Renan, Ernest. Correspondance générale. Tome III: octobre 1849–décembre 1855. Ed. Maurice Gasnier
Morgan Gaulin

Poyet, Thierry, ed. Lectures de la correspondance Flaubert-Sand. Des vérités de raison et de sentiment
Anne E. McCall

Proust, Marcel. Swann's Way. Marcel Proust: A Norton CriticalEdition. Ed. Susanna Lee
Dwight Page

The Critical Eye
Bowie, Malcolm. Selected Essays of Malcolm Bowie. Ed. Alison Finch
Joseph Acquisto

Staël, Germaine de. Œuvres complètes, série I: Œuvres critiques, tome II, De la littérature et autres essais littéraires. Ed. Stéphanie Genand
Jennifer Law-Sullivan

Bara, Olivier and Christine Planté, eds. George Sand critique: une autorité paradoxale
Rachel Corkle

L'Esthétique Du Corps
Harrow, Susan. Zola, The Body Modern: Pressures and Prospects of Representation
Jessica Tanner

Przybos, Julia. Les aventures du corps masculin
Philippe C. Dubois

Wettlaufer, Alexandra K. Portraits of the Artist as a Young Woman: Painting and the Novel in France and Britain, 1800–1860
Heather Belnap Jensen

Betzer, Sarah. Ingres and the Studio: Women, Painting, and History
Mary Manning

Gender and Belonging
Del Lungo, Andrea et Brigitte Louichon, eds. La Littérature en bas-bleus. Tome II: Romancières en France de 1848 à 1870
Hope Christiansen

Sand, George. Gabriel. Ed. Kathleen Robin Hart; Sand, George. Gabriel. Trans. Kathleen Robin Hart and Paul Fenouillet
Françoise Ghillebaert

Maira, Daniel and Jean-Marie Roulin, eds. Masculinités en révolution de Rousseau à Balzac
Brian Martin

Mémoires, Biographies et Constructions D'identité
Montcalm, Amandine-Marie-Antoinette de. Mon journal, commencé le 10 avril 1815. Ed. Henri Rossi
Olivier Gildas Tonnerre

Saminadayar-Perrin, Corinne. Jules Vallès
Charles J. Stivale

Mombert, Sarah and Michèle Rosellini, eds. Usages des vies: le biographique hier et aujourd'hui (XVIIe–XXIe siècle)
Michael G. Kelly

Mesch, Rachel. Having It All in the Belle Époque: How French Women's Magazines Invented the Modern Woman
Michael Garval

Revolutionary Roles
Astbury, Katherine. Narrative Responses to the Trauma of the French Revolution
Annie K. Smart

Smart, Anne K. Citoyennes: Women and the Ideal of Citizenship in Eighteenth-Century France
Yaël Schlick

Morrissey, Robert. The Economy of Glory: From Ancien Régime France to the Fall of Napoléon. Trans. Teresa Lavender Fagan
Melanie Conroy

Painting, Photography, and Prints
Howe, Jeffery W., ed. Courbet: Mapping Realism. Paintings from the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium and American Collections
Lauren S. Weingarden

Sagner, Karin and Max Hollein, eds. Gustave Caillebotte. An Impressionist and Photography
Caroline Ferraris-Besso

Pinson, Stephen C. Speculating Daguerre: Art and Enterprise in the Work of J. L. M. Daguerre
Elizabeth Berkebile McManus

Bann, Stephen. Distinguished Images: Prints and the Visual Economy in Nineteenth-Century France
Shauna Sorensen