Storyworlds 08:1

Storyworlds 08:1

Edited by Andreea D Ritivoi and David Shumway

Table Of Contents

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Special Issue: Narrative Hermeneutics

Guest Edited by Jens Brockmeier

Guest Editor’s Column
Jens Brockmeier

Hermeneutics beyond the Species Boundary: Explanation and Understanding in Animal Narratives
David Herman

Traumatic Hermeneutics: Reading and Overreading the Pain of Others
Colin Davis

Reading Stories, Reading (Others’) Lives: Empathy, Intersubjectivity, and Narrative Understanding
Andreea Deciu Ritivoi

On Failed Understanding
Jens Brockmeier

For Interpretation
Hanna Meretoja

Psychoanalysis, Narrative, and Hermeneutics: An Integrative Account
Roger Frie

Why Narrative Matters: Philosophy, Method, Theory
Mark Freeman

Guidelines for Authors