Women in German Yearbook 32:1

Women in German Yearbook 32:1

Table Of Contents



Solidarity Statement

Editors’ Introduction

“I Drink Love to Get Strong”: Bettina Brentano von Arnim’s Romantic Philosophy and Dialogue in Die Günderode
Renata Fuchs

Writing Resistance: Anonyma’s Narration of Rape in A Woman in Berlin
Anja Wieden

From Student Riots to Feminist Firebombs: Debates about “Counterviolence” in the West German Student Movement and Women’s Movement
Katharina Karcher

What Is Malina? Decoding Ingeborg Bachmann’s Poetics of Secrecy
Alexandra Kurmann

Unleashing the Rhetorical Power of the Image: An Introduction to Gabriele Petricek’s Writings and an Interview
Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger

Special Section: Intersectional Inclusivity: Race and Ethnicity in Feminist German Studies
Fragile Whiteness: Women and Girls in German Colonial Fiction, 1900–1913
Maureen O. Gallagher

Rearticulating Black Feminist Thought in Heimat, bittersüße Heimat
Jamele Watkins

Troubling Sameness
Bradley Boovy

Refugee Assemblages, Cycles of Violence, and Body Politic(s) in Times of “Celebratory Fear”
Vanessa D. Plumly

Whiteness, WiG, and Talking about Race
Beverly Weber

Notice to Contributors