The Undecidable Unconscious 04:1

The Undecidable Unconscious 04:1

Edited by Alan Bass
Guest edited by Rosaura Martínez Ruiz

Table Of Contents

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Volume 4 (2017)

Rosaura Martínez Ruiz, Guest Editor

The Deconstructivist Laclau
Paula Biglieri and Gustavo Guille

Critique of Originary Violence: Freud, Heidegger, Derrida
Bruno Bosteels

Fear, Helplessness, and Political Bodies as Circuits of Affect: Freud on Social Emancipation
Vladimir Safatle

Disintegration, Bisexuality, and Transgender Women of Color: Luce Irigaray and Frantz Fanon on Gender Transition
Yukari Yanagino

Derrida and Freud on the Return of Religion
Kevin McShane

Abolition, Phallocentrism, and the Mondialisation of Psychoanalysis: A Review of Derrida's Psychoanalytic Argument in The Death Penalty: Volume II
Ryan Gustafson