Volume 22 (2018)
Special Issue: Race-ing Queer Music
Contents Racing Ahead: Race-ing Queer Music Scholarship
Hedy Law
“You Are My Dwelling Place”: Experiencing Black Male Vocalists’ Worship as Aural Eroticism and Autoeroticism in Gospel Performance
Alisha Lola Jones
We Lived in the Gaps between the Stories
Alannah Marie Halay
Jota in Jenni Rivera
Deborah R. Vargas
Ligeia for Solo Flute (with Glissando Headjoint)
Amanda Bono
Sung and Spoken Puns as Queer “Home Making” in Toronto’s Chinese Diaspora
Yun Emily Wang
The New “Queer” and the Old Racism
Elías Krell
Freedom Bridge (Extracts)
Susannah Self
Let’s Flip It! Quare Emancipations: Black Queer Traditions, Afrofuturisms, Janelle Monáe to Labelle
Gayle Murchison
The Ambivalent Erotics of
Hot Pants: Peter de Rome and the Soundtrack of Liberation
Kyle C. Kaplan
Anti-Matik: Solo/duo for
bajoncillo and (female) body
Melodie Michel
The Blacks, the Jews, and the Gays: Bette Midler’s Third-Order Vaudeville
Mitchell Morris
Willmer Broadnax, Midcentury Gospel, and Black Trans/Masculinities
Stephan Pennington
Sonia Megías
Lessons from Archives and Public History for the Race-ing of Queer Music Scholarship
Eric Hung
Kasahara and Iwaasa in Conversation
Teiya Kasahara and Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, edited by Rebecca Wiegand Coale
ReviewsCreating Carmen Miranda: Race, Camp and Transnational Stardom, by Kathryn Bishop-Sanchez
Maria Fantinato
Just Vibrations: The Purpose of Sounding Good, by William Cheng
Lauron Kehrer
Country Boys and Redneck Women: New Essays in Gender and Country Music, edited by Diane Pecknold and Kristine M. McCusker
Stephanie Vander Wel