North Dakota Quarterly 72:4

North Dakota Quarterly 72:4

Edited by Robert Lewis

Table Of Contents

The One-Man Woodcutter Meets His Widow Maker; When the World Was Young and the Death of Bird Four; and We All Have Our Stories (stories)
Robert Day
Fred Whitehead
Richard Wilbur's Underheard Melodies: An Eavesdropping God, Philosophical Fountains, Nocturnal Anxieties
Robert Bagg
Kevin Oderman
Mooned (poem)
Chelle Miko
The Far Shore in Summer (poem)
Laura Dickinson
Eleven Years with Dr. Rosen (memoir)
Robin Reinach
gifts from future Fishwife fish; Fishwife Cleaving, a Myth; and Wreck Things (poems)
Jennifer Jean
Shires and Morning (poems)
Jen Bryant
Range Kill; Grouse; and Psychopomp (poems)
Chard deNiord
Stone on Stone and Andrew Wyeth's "Chambered Nautilus" (poems)
Rebecca Bednarz
The Black Phantom (story)
James D. Redwood
How to Scramble an Egg
Denise Shekerjian
Curse; Home Visit; and That Arresting Shell You Find (poems)
The Best Job I Ever Had
Robert Lacy
Matroushka (poem)
Bethany Reid
Living the Journey: An Adventure to Woodland Caribou
Karin J. Green
Icarus (poem)
James Magorian
Fein on Being Alone
Robert Wexelblatt
Valley Night (poem)
Celia Stuart-Powles
Huck's Sons: Community Ethic and the Comic Way in Kent Meyers's The River Warren
Amy Fuqua
In Memory of Benjamin Lindner (poem)
Henry Braun
Chocolate Sin (story)
Charles Edward Brooks
Out Here; Coffee; and Santa Ana (poems)
Don Thompson
Richard Wilbur, Collected Poems 1943-2004
Donald Junkins
Ted Kooser, The Poetry Home Repair Manual
Larry Woiwode
Susan J. Rosowski, ed., Willa Cather's Ecological Imagination
Diane Drake
Jim Mochoruk, Formidable Heritage: Manitoba's North and the Cost of Development, 1870 to 1930
Bruce Donaldson
The Oedipus Plays of Sophocles. Translated by Robert Bagg
R. W. French
Barton Sutter, Farewell to the Starlight in Whiskey
Drew Johnson
William Price Fox, Satchel Paige's America
Susan Koprince
Jonathan Johnson, Hannah and the Mountain: Notes toward a Wilderness Fatherhood
Mark Phillips
John Xiros Cooper, Modernism and the Culture of Market Society
George Slanger
Editor's Notes