Frontiers 40:2

Frontiers 40:2

Edited by Wanda S. Pillow, Kimberly Jew, and Cindy Cruz

Table Of Contents

Volume 40, No. 2  read on Project Muse  read on JSTOR


Editors' Note   
Kimberly M. Jew, Wanda S. Pillow, and Cindy Cruz

Breaking into the Marathon: Women’s Distance Running as Political Activism
Jaime Schultz  

Abortion and Human Rights for Women in Argentina
Barbara Sutton and Elizabeth Borland

Blood, Bodies, and Violence: Gender and Women’s Embodied Agency in the Egyptian Uprisings
Kathrine van den Bogert         

Whores in the Religious Marketplace: Sex-Positivity’s Roots in Commercial Sex Cultures
Jayne Swift  

Teaching for Coalition: Dismantling “Jewish-Progressive Conflict” through Feminist and Queer Pedagogy
Jonathan Branfman    

Female Refugees in Rural Germany: A Local Aid Agency’s Efforts to Build on Women’s Experiences and Needs
Ina C. Seethaler          

Of “Sound” and “Unsound” Body and Mind: Reconfiguring the Heroic Portrait of Harriet Tubman
Janell Hobson 

A Journey to/through Family: Nostalgia, Gender, and the American Dream in Reyna Grande’s The Distance Between Us
Alicia Muñoz and Ariana E. Vigil      

Technology in Black Feminist World
K. Melchor Quick Hall

Artists’ Statement
Nanibah Chacón, Ruby Chacón, and Alma Elizabeth López