Great Plains Quarterly 40:1

Great Plains Quarterly 40:1

Edited by Chuck Braithwaite

Table Of Contents

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Volume 40, Number 1 (Winter 2020)


Restorative Narrative: Nonfiction and the Resetting of the Grasslands’ Future (read the author's plain-language summary)
Susan Naramore Maher

The Nebraska War of the Roses: The Conflict in Founding a Methodist University (read the author's plain-language summary)
John Irwin

A Woman’s Place at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition (read the author's plain-language summary)
Jillian Roger

Battle of the Banks: The Genesis and Resilience of Community Banking in Oklahoma (read the author's plain-language summary)
Michael J. Hightower

Book Reviews

Kerry Driscoll. Mark Twain among the Indians and Other Indigenous People
Beverly Lyon Clark

David C. Posthumus. All My Relatives: Exploring Lakota Ontology, Belief, and Ritual
Victoria Sprague

Sandra Rollings-Magnusson. The Homesteaders: From Confederation to the Great War
Bill Waiser

Kim Anderson, Maria Campbell, and Christi Belcourt, editors. Keetsahnak/Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters
Wendelin Hume

Richard A. Rogers. Petroglyphs, Pictographs, and Projections: Native American Rock Art in the Contemporary Cultural Landscape
Phil R. Geib

Joe Dobrow. Pioneers of Promotion: How Press Agents for Buffalo Bill, P. T. Barnum, and the World’s Columbian Exposition Created Modern Marketing
Libby R. Tronnes

Devon A. Mihesuah. Ned Christie: The Creation of an Outlaw and Cherokee Hero
Justin Gage

Tai S. Edwards. Osage Women and Empire: Gender and Power
Jean Dennison

Kendra Taira Field. Growing Up with the Country: Family, Race, and Nation after the Civil War
Quincy D. Newell

Sara Egge. Woman Suffrage and Citizenship in the Midwest, 1870–1920
Kimberly Jensen

Todd M. Kerstetter. Flood on the Tracks: Living, Dying, and the Nature of Disaster in the Elkhorn River Basin
Thomas W. Haase

Angela Boswell. Foreword by Nancy Baker Jones and Cynthia J. Beeman. Women in Texas History
Sara Egge

Gioia Woods, editor. Left in the West: Literature, Culture, and Progressive Politics in the American West
Daniel Worden