Resilience 08:1

Resilience 08:1

Edited by Stephanie Foote, Anthony Lioi, and Dana Luciano
"Roots of the Future" edited by Andrea Knutson, Anthony Lioi, and Stephen Siperstein
"Climate Pedagogies" edited by Sara Jaquette Ray

Table Of Contents

Volume 8, No. 1 (Winter 2020)

Roots of the Future
Edited by Andrea Knutson, Anthony Lioi, and Stephen Siperstein

Climate Pedagogies: A Roundtable Discussion about Teaching and Affect in the Anthropocene
Edited by Sarah Jaquette Ray

Sarah Jaquette Ray

Climate Justice Pedagogy: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Proximity and Empathy in Contexts of Privilege
Jill Gatlin

Climate Justice Pedagogies: Affect, Empathy, and Scale in the Anthropocene
Jennifer Ladino

Reimagining Communities as Sustainable Means to a More Environmentally and Socially Just World
Carlrey Arroyo

Teaching the Anthropocene: Technology and Environmental Justice
Melissa Sexton

Performative Pedagogy: Modeling Affect and Action in Climate Change Courses
Matthew Schneider-Mayerson

Reconfiguring Temporality in the Anthropocene: Coloniality and the Political Ecocrisis
Adam Wickberg

“Master Metaphor”: Environmental Apocalypse and the Settler States of Emergency
April Anson

How Does It Feel to Be an Oil Spill?
Sara Mameni

Ecotopian Narratives as Social Change Strategy: From Lord Byron to Rob Hopkins
Andrew Hubbell

Competing Ecourban Futures in Taipei
Jason Parry

On Dismantling: A Report from Michigan
Jeffrey Insko