Great Plains Research 31:2

Great Plains Research 31:2

Edited by Peter J. Longo
Special Issue: Exploring the Politics and Policy of the Great Plains
Guest Editors: Joe Blankenau and Brian Hanson

Table Of Contents

Volume 31, Number 2 (Fall 2021)
Special Issue: Exploring the Politics and Policy of the Great Plains
Edited by Joe Blankenau and Brian Hanson

Guest Editors’ Introduction: Exploring the Politics and Policy of the Great Plains
Joe Blankenau and Brian Hanson

Invited Essay
Leading In the Skin You’re In: A Conversation with Dr. Tawana Grover and Dr. Steve Joel
Ryan Teten

Staying Home on the Range: Social Capital and Social Distancing in the Great Plains during COVID-19
Alexandra T. Middlewood and Mark R. Joslyn

Has the Sleeping Giant Awakened in Kansas?: An Overview of Latino Voting Behavior in the Sunflower State
Robert G. Rodriguez

A Silver Bullet: Gun Ownership and Political Participation in Rural America
Alexandra T. Middlewood

Rural Language by Law: Why Rural Towns Pass English-Only Laws
Juan Urbano and Ryan Daugherty

Responding to the Court: Diffusion of Religious Freedom Restoration Acts
Bronson P. Herrera

Comparing Health and Health Care from a Subnational Perspective: Saskatchewan and Nebraska
Joe Blankenau

Book Reviews
Bruce A. Glasrud and Cary D. Wintz, editors. Black Americans and the Civil Rights Movement in the West
Nanosh Lucas

Daniel L. Wuebben. Power-Lined: Electricity, Landscape, and the American Mind
Melissa Bollman

David R. M. Beck. Unfair Labor?: American Indians and the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago
Julie Guard

Michael John Haddock and Craig C. Freeman. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines in Kansas: Revised and Expanded
Brad Guhr

Susan Nance. Rodeo: An Animal History
Elyssa Ford

Devon A. Mihesuah and Elizabeth Hoover, editors. Indigenous Food Sovereignty in the United States: Restoring Cultural Knowledge, Protecting Environments, and Regaining Health
Letitia M. McCune