Nineteenth-Century French Studies 50:1-2

Nineteenth-Century French Studies 50:1-2

Edited by Seth Whidden

Table Of Contents

Volume 50, Numbers 1-2 (Fall-Winter 2021-2022)

Incipit: On Poetry and Crisis
Thomas C. Connolly and Liesl Yamaguchi

“Une exquise crise”: Rhyme in Crisis
Liesl Yamaguchi

Rien, presque
Thomas C. Connolly

Thomas C. Connolly and Liesl Yamaguchi

“Jeune fille qui ne pleure pas son oiseau mort”: Female Puberty in Stendhal’s Lamiel
Sarah Jones

Romanesque Commitments: Amélie Bosquet Between Popular Aesthetics and Novel(la) Theory
Victoria Baena

Baudelaire, Vischer, and Self-Transforming Empathy
Maria Scott

“C’est le pays de la toilette”: Fashion and Space in Flaubert’s Le Château des cœurs
Kasia Stempniak

The Novel in a Corset: Maupassant, Monsters, and the Short Story
Sara Phenix

La concision exemplaire de la nouvelle? Réflexions sur l’art du récit bref chez Maupassant
Hans Färnlöf