Studies in American Naturalism 16:1

Studies in American Naturalism 16:1

Edited by Keith Newlin
Special Issue: Intimate Knowledge in American Naturalism and Realism
Guest editors Katrin Horn and Katharina Motyl

Table Of Contents

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Volume 16, Number 1 (Summer 2021)


Special Issue: Intimate Knowledge in American Naturalism and Realism

Guest Editors: Katrin Horn and Katharina Motyl


Codes of Intimacy: Love, Chance, and Masculinity in Henry James’s Confidence

Karin Hoepker 

Intimacy and Neurasthenia in Edith Wharton’s Early Stories

Paul Ohler

“Shuddering, Shrinking, Shriveling”: Intimacy and Repulsion in Kate Chopin’s “The Unexpected” and The Awakening

Linda Kornasky

Bending the Color Line: Hidden Identities and Sexual Transgressions in Charles W. Chesnutt’s Short Stories

Anna Pochmara

Sui Sin Far’s Genre of Intervention: The Sketch and the “Real” in Realism and Naturalism

Monique McDade

The Snares of Intimacy: Black Femininity in Claude McKay’s Naturalist Novels

Jericho Williams