NINE 31:2

NINE 31:2

Edited by Willie Steele

Table Of Contents

Volume 31, Number 2, Spring 2023

The Cheap Seats: A Note from the Editor
Willie Steele

Diamond Quotes

Triple Play
Loved It: The Boys of Summer
Karen E. Kubara

Loathed It: The Boys of Summer
Gary Gershman

A Very Live Corpse: How a Military-Industrial Complex Saved Bay Area Baseball during World War I
Jim Leeke

Satchel Paige and the 1948 Pennant Race
Douglas Jordan

Art and the Psychology of Baseball (or Vice Versa)
Jerald (Jay) Thomas
The Negro Leagues Newly Incorporated into Major League Baseball: An Examination of Their Strength and an Evaluation of the Unification
William Wise

Putting Politics Aside: The Congressional Baseball Game
Dylan Garvin and Rick Burton

The Four
Cary Heinz

Baseball’s Most Bizarre Plays: A Roster of the Odd, the Improbable and the Downright Confounding in Major League History
Paul Hensler

Major League Rebels: Baseball Battles over Workers’ Rights and American Empire
Mark McGee

Charlie Murphy: The Iconoclastic Showman behind the Chicago Cubs
James E. Overmyer

Baseball Rebels: The Players, People, and Social Movements That Shook Up the Game and Changed America
Paul Hensler

Pride of the Greyhounds: Ray Legenza and 64 Straight Wins by Connecticut’s Best High School Baseball Team
Jorge Iber

Loserville: How Professional Sports Remade Atlanta—and How Atlanta Remade Professional Sports
Thomas Wolf

American Legion Baseball: A History, 1924–2020
Charlie Bevis

Red Barber: The Life and Legacy of a Broadcasting Legend
Alan L. Griggs

Stumbling around the Bases: The American League’s Mismanagement in the Expansion Era
David M. Pegram

Swing and a Hit: Nine Innings of What Baseball Taught Me
Anna R. Newton

The Saga of Sudden Sam: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of Sam McDowell
David Bohmer

Whispers of the Gods: Tales from Baseball’s Golden Age, Told by the Men Who Played It
R. Zachary Sanzone

Stolen Dreams: The 1955 Cannon Street All-Stars and Little League Baseball’s Civil War
Chad S. Wise