Nineteenth-Century French Studies 51:1-2

Nineteenth-Century French Studies 51:1-2

Edited by Seth Whidden

Table Of Contents

Volume 51, Number 1-2 (Fall/Winter 2022-2023)

Textual “Piqûres”: Vaccination in the Hands of Nineteenth-Century French Writers
Margot Szarke

Fragmentation or Fusion: The Theme of Restoration in Nodier’s Masterwork, La Fée aux miettes
Laurence M. Porter

“Dévoiler un amour secret”: Gestures of Adulterous Desire in Byron’s Don Juan Canto I and Balzac’s La Femme de trente ans
Emily Paterson-Morgan

Zigzags, revirements et circonvolutions: les voyages excentriques et exotiques de Théophile Gautier
Ji Eun Hong

Baudelaire as a Girl: Writing Through Problematic Legacies in Lisa Robertson’s The Baudelaire Fractal
David Evans

Rimbaud, un textualisme en acte
Mendel Péladeau-Houle

Zola nataliste ou féministe? Pouvoir féminin et sexualités subversives dans Fécondité
Michael Rosenfeld

The Decadent Werewolf: Animal Ethics in the Autobiographical Rachilde
Christopher Robison

J.-K. Huysmans with Wilhelm Wundt: Ennui, or a Mind-Body Problem
John D’Amico

Published online at

Allen, James Smith. A Civil Society. The Public Space of Freemason Women in France, 1744–1944
Marie-Pierre Le Hir

Block, Elizabeth L. Dressing Up: The Women who Influenced French Fashion
Noëlle Brown

Thérenty, Marie-Ève. Femmes de presse, femmes de lettres: De Delphine de Girardin à Florence Aubenas
Kathryne Adair Corbin

Beecher, Jonathan. Writers and Revolution: Intellectuals and the French Revolution of 1848
Abigail RayAlexander

Decot, Jérémy, and Clare Siviter, editors. Un engagement en vers et contre tous: servir les révolutions, rejouer leurs mémoires (1789–1848)
Luiza Duarte Caetano

Rosenfeld Michael, with William A. Peniston, editors; translated by Nancy Erber and William A. Peniston. The Italian Invert: A Gay Man’s Intimate Confessions to Émile Zola
Michael R. Finn

Ross, Andrew Israel. Public City/Public Sex: Homosexuality, Prostitution, and Urban Culture in Nineteenth-Century Paris
Jordan Bessette

Kelly, Dorothy. The Living Death of Modernity: Balzac, Baudelaire, and Zola
Sarah Jones

Girardin, Marina. La Mort écrite de Flaubert: nécrologies
Yves Laberge

Courant, Elsa. Poésie et cosmologie dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle: nouvelle mythologie de la nuit à l’ère du positivisme
Charlotte Berkery

Griffiths, Kate. Zola and the Art of Television: Adaptation, Recreation, Translation
Richard Riddick

Heyraud, Violaine, and Éléonore Reverzy, editors. La Morale en action: apologues, paraboles et récits exemplaires au XIXe siècle
Hans Färnlöf

Parker-Flynn, Christina. Artificial Generation: Photogenic French Literature and the Prehistory of Cinematic Modernity
Guy Spielmann

Fougère, Marie-Ange, éditeur. L’Excrémentiel au XIXe siècle
Bruno Penteado

Guitton, Georges. Le Phoque de Flaubert
Anthony Zielonka