Studies in American Indian Literatures 34:3-4

Studies in American Indian Literatures 34:3-4

Edited by Kiara M. Vigil

Table Of Contents

Volume 34, Numbers 3 & 4 (Fall-Winter 2022)

From the Editor


Land Acknowledgement: Surviving Displacement through Reclamation of Querencia in Kali Fajardo-Anstine’s Short Stories “Sugar Babies” and “Ghost Sickness” published in her collection Sabrina & Corina (2019)

Shelli Rottschafer

From the Floodland: Countering Extraction, Remembering Relations in Eeyou Istchee

Isabella Huberman

Decolonial Ch’owen Across Abiayala and Turtle Island: Calixta Gabriel Xiquín’s Poetic Invocations of Kaqchikel Spirituality, the Cardinal Points, and Trans-Indigenous Grandmothers

Tiffany D. Creegan Miller

Lands, Bodies, and the Meaning(s) of Consent in Recent Writing by Indigenous Women and Two-Spirit Authors

Jenny Kerber

Rogarou Genealogies in Cherie Dimaline’s Empire of Wild

Michele Lacombe

Performing Justice in Recent Native American Women’s Theater: Mary Kathryn Nagle’s Sovereignty and Manahatta

Cathy C. Waegner

Home Is Where the Heartsong Is: X-Marks and Manifest Domesticity in The Heartsong of Charging Elk

Thomas W. Krause

Claiming Oral Sovereignty Over Literariness: The Arrowmaker According to N. Scott Momaday

Kyle Garton-Gundling