Western American Literature 58:3

Western American Literature 58:3

​Amy T. Hamilton

Table Of Contents

Volume 58, Number 3, Fall 2023


The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Tracing Mexican American Environmental Concerns in María Amparo Ruiz de Burton’s The Squatter and the Don
Anthony Gomez III

A Turn in the Fog: Gertrude Atherton Reads Henry James
Lisa Orr

Tall Tale and Anti-Capitalist (Post)Western Storytelling in Douglas Coupland’s Generation X
Junwu Tian and Yingjie Duan

Book Reviews
Joel Deshaye, The American Western in Canadian Literature
John Donahue

Suzanne Roberts, Animal Bodies: On Death, Desire, and Other Difficulties
Jennifer Sinor

Margaret D. Jacobs, After One Hundred Winters: In Search of Reconciliation on America’s Stolen Lands
Meredith Eliassen

Kai Bosworth, Pipeline Populism: Grassroots Environmentalism in the Twenty-First Century
Sebastian Braun

E Cram, Violent Inheritance: Sexuality, Land, and Energy in Making the North American West
Christine Self

Michael K. Johnson, A Black Woman’s West: The Life of Rose B. Gordon
Jennifer S. Tuttle

Lawrence P. Jackson, Hold It Real Still: Clint Eastwood, Race, and the Cinema of the American West
Jimmy L. Bryan Jr.

David McKay Powell, Cather and Opera
Maria Mackas

Neil Campbell, Worlding the Western: Contemporary US Western Fiction and the Global Community
Christopher Conway

Shannon Egan and Marthe Tolnes Fjellestad, Across the West and Toward the North: Norwegian and American Landscape Photography
Carolina Arellanos

Robinson Jeffers, The Point Alma Venus Manuscripts, edited by Tim Hunt and Robert Kafka
Cory Willard

Megan Riley McGilchrist, Exile, Nature, and Transformation in the Life of Mary Hallock Foote
Christie Smith

Robert Wrigley, The True Account of Myself as a Bird
Robert McFarland

2023 WLA Award Recipients

2024 WLA Conference Announcement