American Indian Quarterly

American Indian Quarterly

Edited by Lindsey Claire Smith

ISSN 0095-182X

eISSN 1534-1828


American Indian Quarterly has earned its reputation as one of the dominant journals in American Indian studies by presenting the best and most thought-provoking scholarship in the field. AIQ is a forum for diverse voices and perspectives spanning a variety of academic disciplines. The common thread is AIQ’s commitment to publishing work that contributes to the development of American Indian studies as a field and to the sovereignty and continuance of American Indian nations and cultures. In addition to peer-reviewed articles, AIQ features reviews of books, films, and exhibits.

Table Of Contents

Volume 48, no. 2 (Spring 2024)

Sitting on the Watcher’s Stage: Networks of Kinship and Sovereignty Among the Corn Rows
Jayne Elizabeth Kinney

Visual Rhetoric and Spatial Sovereignty in Gord Hill’s The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book
Heather Smyth

Red Codes and Removal: Racial Exclusion and Indigenous Persistence in the Midwest
Stephen Warren

 Marie Balsley Talor. Indigenous Kinship, Colonial Texts, and the Contested Space of Early New England.
Caroline Wigginton

John Shaw. In Order that Justice May Be Done: The Legal Struggle of the Turtle Mountain Band of Pembina Chippewa, 1795–1905.
Matt Villeneuve

Submission Information

Submissions & Book Reviews

Statement of Publishing Ethics

AIQ accepts submissions of thirty pages or less that make original contributions to scholarship within the broad interdisciplinary framework of American Indian Studies. A manuscript must be submitted via email as a Word file (double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, 12-point font, aligned left). Please include a brief personal bio. The style of the submissions should follow the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style. Footnotes and the author-date system are not acceptable. A submission not in compliance will be returned to the author. All submissions, except for book reviews, will be subjected to peer review. The decisions of the editor with respect to the acceptance of manuscripts are final.

Please send submissions as an attachment to Submissions should include a brief bio, 250-word abstract, and keywords. Book reviews should be sent to the attention of Alyssa Hunziker. Questions, queries, and other correspondence should be sent to the attention of Lindsey Claire Smith.


Editorial Board

Lindsey Claire Smith, Oklahoma State University
Book Review Editor
Trever Lee Holland, Oklahoma State University
Editorial Board
Bill Anthes
Amanda Cobb-Greetham
Philip Deloria
Jennifer Denetdale
N. Bruce Duthu
Eva Garroutte
David Kamper
J. Kehaulani Kauanui
Clara Sue Kidwell
Cornel Pewewardy
Michelle H. Raheja
Jace Weaver
Managing Editor
Rebecca Brings, Oklahoma State University


Single Article Sales
Individual articles from American Indian Quarterly are now available for purchase from Project MUSE.

Sponsoring Society


Reading List: Climate Change

Check out this list of peer-reviewed articles focusing on Critical Theory, Environmental Ethics, Economics & Business, and other areas of study on Climate Change.

Reading List: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

This reading list is full of academic articles for both instructors & students seeking peer-reviewed materials on Rape Culture, Sexual Help, Models of Resistance, and other areas of study.

Reading List: Migration

This list of peer-reviewed materials features articles on many topics spanning Globalization, Genocide, Religion, Diaspora Communities, and other aspects on the topic of Migration.

Reading List: Sports-Related Controversies, Social Issues, and Scandals

This sprawling list includes peer-reviewed articles on subjects as diverse as the fields of play they revolve around, including Violence in Sports, Gambling & Game Fixing, Drugs & Banned Substances, Mascots & Offensive Imagery, and other controversies.

Reading List: Pandemic

This developing list arose from the COVID-19 pandemic and includes many peer-reviewed articles on topics like Fictional Pandemics, Politics, Cultural Impacts, The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919, and other related areas of study.

Reading List: Reproductive Rights

This list includes articles from the U.S. and other countries and touches on subjects such as reproductive justice, reproductive rights in popular culture, media, and the arts, and intersectionality.

Reading List: Women's Political Action in the U.S.

Resources for use in discussions of women's political activities in the U.S., both contemporary and historical.

Reading List: Latin American Studies

Articles on a variety of topics related to the field of Latin American Studies.

Reading List: Social Media

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