Feminist German Studies

Feminist German Studies

Edited by S.E. Jackson and Beverly Weber

ISSN 2578-5206

eISSN 2578-5192


Feminist German Studies is a refereed publication presenting a wide range of feminist approaches to all aspects of German literature, culture, and language, including pedagogy. Reflecting the interdisciplinary perspectives that inform feminist German studies, each issue contains critical inquiries employing gender and other analytical categories to examine the work, history, life, literature, and arts of the German-speaking world.

FGS is the flagship journal of and owned by the Coalition of Women in German. Members receive subscriptions as a benefit of membership.

Visit the journal's editorial website.

Table Of Contents

Volume 40, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2024)
Special Issue: Communi-care, or How to Create Communities of Care in an Uncaring System
Guest-edited by Maria Stehle and Helga Thorson


Editors’ Introduction 

Communi-care, or How to Create Communities of Care in an Uncaring System: Introduction
Maria Stehle and Helga Thorson

Feeling Bad, Together: The Pedagogy of Unwellness in Language and Culture Studies 
Ervin Malakaj and Maggie Rosenau

Teaching with Love and Walking Beside in the Neoliberal University: A Dialogue 
Adaezejeso Ezeaku and Rebecca Gagan

Aesthetic Experimentation
Eating the Discipline 
Simone Stirner

Permission to Care: Sentimentality in Academic Settings—A Conversation between Artists
Chloe Wack and Casey Wolhar

Collective Support Groups
Mothers’ Labor: Organizing and Parenting in Neoliberal Academia
Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge

Shape/Shift: Imagining a Discipline of Care through Mutual Aid 
Kiley Kost and Nichole M. Neuman

Critical Discussions
The Necessary Vulnerability of Cross-Racial Collaboration: A Conversation 
Amy Lynne Hill and Cynthia D. Porter

Radical Care in the Neoliberal Institution: Two Administrators in Conversation
Mareike Herrmann and Alexandra M. Stewart


Submissions & Book Reviews

Read our Statement of Publishing Ethics

Feminist German Studies (formerly Women in German Yearbook: Feminist and Gender Studies in German Literature and Culture, 33 vols., 1985–2017; FGS continues with vol. 34, 2018) is a refereed journal that is supported by the Coalition of Women in German. The editors are interested in feminist, queer, or intersectional approaches to all aspects of German literary, cultural, and language studies, including pedagogy, as well as in topics that involve the study of gender, sexuality, or race in different contexts: for example, work on colonialism and postcolonial theory, performance and performance theory, film and film theory, or on the contemporary cultural and political scene in German-speaking countries.

All submissions are first vetted by both co-editors. At this stage, approximately 15% of manuscripts are rejected as not ready for peer review. In the case that a submission is deemed ready for peer review, the editors select at least two and sometimes three peer reviewers who are asked to provide 1) an evaluation of the anonymized manuscript and 2) substantive feedback to the author about how to improve the manuscript. This feedback is provided to the author anonymously. After revisions have been completed, most manuscripts (90-95%) are sent out for a second round of peer review. Often the same reviewers read the revised manuscript upon resubmission and either approve it for publication or provide further suggestions for revision. Manuscripts typically reach the publishing stage only after 2-3 substantive rounds of revisions and editing.

Contributions to Feminist German Studies are welcome at any time during the year. The deadline in order for the article to be considered for publication in the upcoming suvolume is October 31.

There are no fees associated with submission or publication of an article in Feminist German Studies.

The editors request that the manuscript (including notes and works cited) does not exceed 10,000 words. The manuscript must be typed, double-spaced, and prepared for anonymous review by adhering to the latest MLA Handbook (8th edition) as modified by the journal’s guidelines published on the Women in German website (www.womeningerman.org). While FGS accepts manuscripts for anonymous review in either English or German, binding commitment to publish will be contingent on submission of a final manuscript in English. Please send the manuscript as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word to each editor. Current editors are:

Alexandra M. Stewart
Department of International Languages and Cultures
University of Portland
5000 N. Willamette Blvd.
Portland, OR 97203
E-mail: hilla@up.edu

For book reviews, contact:

Nicole Grewling
Modern Languages
Washington College
Chestertown, Maryland 21620
E-mail: ngrewling2@washcoll.edu

Copyrights are held by the University of Nebraska Press. Permission to reprint material may be requested here.

Editorial Board

Beverly Weber, University of Colorado
S. E. Jackson, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Book Review Editor
Nicole Grewling, Washington College

Editorial Board
Hester Baer, University of Maryland - College Park, 2022–2024
Kyle Frackman,University of British Columbia, 2018–2020; 2021–2023
Michelle James, Brigham Young University, 2018–2020; 2021–2023
Emily Jeremiah, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2021–2023
Ervin Malakaj, University of British Columbia, 2022–2024
Jill Suzanne Smith, Bowdoin College, 2021–2023
Alexander M. Stewart, University of Portland, 2023–2025
Faye Stewart, University of North Carolina Greensboro, 2021–2023


Changes to Women in German Yearbook
After 33 years as Women in German Yearbook, Volume 34 presented a new name for the journal: Feminist German Studies. The update was made to more accurately reflect the journal's editorial mission as well as to allow for a change in frequency. The journal is now published twice a year.


Sponsoring Society

The Coalition of Women in German provides a democratic forum for all people interested in feminist approaches to German literature and culture or in the intersection of gender with other categories of analysis such as sexuality, class, race, and ethnicity. Through its annual conference, panels at national professional meetings, and through the publication of the Feminist German Studies, the organization promotes feminist scholarship of outstanding quality. Women in German is committed to making school and college curricula inclusive and seeks to create bridges, cross boundaries, nurture aspiration, and challenge assumptions while exercising critical self-awareness. Women in German is dedicated to eradicating discrimination in the classroom and in the teaching profession at all levels.

Members receive Feminist German Studies as a benefit of membership.

For membership/subscription information, contact: 

Heike Henderson, membership coordinator
E-mail: wigmembership@gmail.com


Reading List: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

This reading list is full of academic articles for both instructors & students seeking peer-reviewed materials on Rape Culture, Sexual Help, Models of Resistance, and other areas of study.

Reading List: Migration

This list of peer-reviewed materials features articles on many topics spanning Globalization, Genocide, Religion, Diaspora Communities, and other aspects on the topic of Migration.

Reading List: Reproductive Rights

This list includes articles from the U.S. and other countries and touches on subjects such as reproductive justice, reproductive rights in popular culture, media, and the arts, and intersectionality.

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