German Yearbook of Contemporary History

German Yearbook of Contemporary History

A publication of the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History

ISSN 2509-744X

eISSN 2509-7458


This English-language journal focuses on 20th and 21st-Century history with each annual issue devoted to one central theme. It contains a combination of translated articles from the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History's prestigious quarterly journal, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, and original research. Its goal is to disseminate this important scholarship with an English-speaking audience.

Visit the journal's page on the Leibniz Institute website.

Table Of Contents

Volume 8 (2024)
History and Historiography: Zeitgeschicte and the Challenge of the German Past


Andreas Wirsching

Introduction: Contemporary History and the Responsibility of Scholarship
Thomas Schlemmer, Susanna Schrafstetter, and Alan E. Steinweis

The Task of Contemporary History
Hans Rothfels

Hans Rothfels and Contemporary History
Gerhard L. Weinberg

Hans Rothfels and the Duty of Contemporary History
Astrid M. Eckert

Muddled Roads to Establishing the Institute for Contemporary History: An Update
Magnus Brechtken

Research in the Service of the Law: Martin Broszat and the Compensation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors from Romania, 1955–65
Gaëlle Fisher

Rejection and Recognition: Raul Hilberg and the Institute for Contemporary History
René Schlott

Recognition and Frustration: Raul Hilberg and the German Edition of The Destruction of the European Jews
Alan E. Steinweis

Scholarship versus Apologia: The Institute for Contemporary History and the Zeitgeschichtliche Forschungsstelle Ingolstadt
Moritz Fischer and Thomas Schlemmer

The Institute for Contemporary History and the Fake Hitler Diaries Affair, 1982–83
Maximilian Kutzner

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