Great Plains Quarterly

Great Plains Quarterly

Edited by Ramón Guerra

ISSN 0275-7664

eISSN 2333-5092


Great Plains Quarterly publishes articles for scholars and interested laypeople on history, literature, culture, and social issues relevant to the Great Plains, which include Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. 

The journal, which is published for the Center for Great Plains Studies, is edited by a faculty member from the University of Nebraska and includes a distinguished international board of advisory editors. 

Visit the journal's editorial webpage.

Table Of Contents

Vol. 44, no. 1 (Winter 2024)

“Kansas Women Are Awake”: Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Journeys in Kansas and the Origins of Women and Economics
Chase M. Billingham 

Following the Ruins: History and Memory in a Prairie Ghost Town
James Flath and Robert Wardhaugh 

Summit Springs: A Historiography in Stone
Terrence I. Dunn 

“There’s Never Been Much Use for Reality Out Here”: Theorizing a Great Plains Regional Gothic in Annie Proulx’s Wyoming Stories
Aaron LaDuke 

Creative Nonfiction
Out There: In Praise of the Horizonal Mandate
Philip Davis 

Book Reviews
Loyd Uglow. A Military History of Texas. Number 15 in the War and the Southwest Series
James V. Koch 

Tom Lynch. Outback and Out West: The Settler-Colonial Environmental Imaginary
Alyson L. Greiner 

Jacqueline Shea Murphy. Dancing Indigenous Worlds: Choreographies of Relation
Jessica Friedman 

Michael Sherwin. Vanishing Points
Allen Morris 

Benjamin J. Wetzel. American Crusade: Christianity, Warfare, and National Identity, 1860–1920
Harry DeVoe 

Richard Edwards and Jacob K. Friefeld. The First Migrants: How Black Homesteaders’ Quest for Land and Freedom Heralded America’s Great Migration
Michael K. Johnson

Submissions & Book Reviews

Statement of Publishing Ethics

Click here for the most up-to-date submission instructions.

Editorial Board

Ramón Guerra
English, University of Nebraska Omaha

Review Essays Editor
George E. Wolf
English, Emeritus, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Book Reviews Editor
Rebecca Buller
Geography, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Editorial Assistant
Melissa A. Amateis

Lona Dearmont

Editorial Board
William E. Farr
History, Emeritus, University of Montana

P. Jane Hafen
English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Timothy J. Kloberdanz
Anthropology, North Dakota State University

Jessica Metcalfe
Native American Studies, University of Arizona

Elizabeth Theiss Smith
Political Science, University of South Dakota

Victoria Smith
History and Ethnic Studies/Native American Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Susan Shulten
History, University of Denver

Thomas Sanchez
Sociology and Latino/Latin American Studies, University of Nebraska–Omaha


Article Sales
Single articles from Great Plains Quarterly  are now available for purchase through Project MUSE.


Sponsoring Society


Reading List: Social Media

As online communities continue to widen their reach, so too does our list of peer-reviewed articles on various subjects including Journalism, Communal Narrative, Activism, Marketing, and Image Rehabilitation.

Reading List: Migration

This list of peer-reviewed materials features articles on many topics spanning Globalization, Genocide, Religion, Diaspora Communities, and other aspects on the topic of Migration.

Reading List: Willa Cather

This list of peer-reviewed articles & reviews centers on the work of acclaimed author (and UNL alum) Willa Cather. Known for her novels on the pioneer experience, her works are reexamined here through the lens of modern-day academics.

Reading List: Climate Change

Check out this list of peer-reviewed articles focusing on Critical Theory, Environmental Ethics, Economics & Business, and other areas of study on Climate Change.

Reading List: Women's Political Action in the U.S.

Resources for use in discussions of women's political activities in the U.S., both contemporary and historical.

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