Great Plains Research

Great Plains Research

Edited by Peter J. Longo

ISSN 1052-5165

eISSN 2334-2463


Great Plains Research publishes original research and scholarly reviews of important advances in the natural and social sciences with relevance to and special emphases on environmental, economic and social issues in the Great Plains. It includes reviews of books and reports on symposia and conferences that included sessions on topics pertaining to the Great Plains. The overall goals are to develop GPR as a centralized outlet for science of regional importance, to communicate important scientific findings to as wide an educated audience as possible, and to help keep scientists, interested citizens, and leaders of this region up to date on scientific progress relevant to the Great Plains.

Great Plains Research is published for the Center for Great Plains Studies at the University of Nebraska.
Visit the journal's editorial webpage.

Table Of Contents

Vol. 34, no. 1 (Spring 2024)

Examining Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Implementation in Great Plains Schools
Chelsea M. Feusner, Amanda L. Witte, Abril Rangel-Pacheco, and Michael Teahon

How Drought Helped Jimmy Carter (Nearly) Win South Dakota in 1976
Robert McLeman, George Heath, Charles Vollan, and Colin Robertson

Native American Princess Pageants and Their Role in Maintaining Tribal Cultures
Sebahattin Ziyanak and Steve Aicinena

Flags and Flagships: Symbolism, Conservation, and the National Bison Legacy Act
Claire Parish and Andrea Olive

Book Reviews
Katherine Wiltenburg Todrys. Black Snake: Standing Rock, the Dakota Access Pipeline, and Environmental Justice
Stephen R. Hausmann

Sabine N. Meyer. Native Removal Writing: Narratives of Peoplehood, Politics, and Law
Robert B. Caldwell Jr

John S. Huntington. Far-Right Vanguard: The Radical Roots of Modern Conservatism
Jon K. Lauck

Timothy Paul Bowman. Afterword by Wayne Woodward. You Will Never Be One of Us: A Teacher, a Texas Town, and the Rural Roots of Radical Conservatism
Dave Cocoran

Amy E. Clark and Joseph A. M. Gingerich, eds. Intrasite Spatial Analysis of Mobile and Semisedentary Peoples: Analytical Approaches to Reconstructing Occupation History
Phil R. Geib

Douglas B. Bamforth. The Archaeology of the North American Great Plains
Rolfe D. Mandel

Submissions & Book Reviews

Statement of Publishing Ethics

Please visit the journal's website for submission instructions.

Editorial Board

Peter J. Longo
Professor, Department of Political Science
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Book Review Essay Editor
George E. Wolf
Associate Professor Emeritus, English
University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Book Review Editor
Rebecca Buller
Assistant Professor of Practice, Geography
University of Nebraska– Lincoln

Editorial Assistant
Melissa A. Amateis

Editorial Board
Charles J. Bicak
Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Richard Edwards
Director, Center for Great Plains Studies
University of Nebraska—Lincoln

William E. Farr, 
Professor Emeritus, Department of History, and Senior Fellow, Center for the Rocky Mountain West
University of Montana

Susan Fritz
Executive Vice President and Provost and the Dean of Graduate College
University of Nebraska

B. Byron Price
Charles Marion Russell Memorial Chair in Art History
University of Oklahoma

Richard P. Reading
Adjunct Professor of Biology
University of Denver

Eleanor G. Rogan
Professor and Chair, Department of Environmental Agricultural and Occupational Health
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Jessica A. Shoemaker
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Nebraska College of Law

Elizabeth Theiss-Morse
Interim Dean, Professor of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
University of Nebraska — Lincoln

Ethel Williams
Director of the School of Public Administration
University of Nebraska at Omaha


Single Article Sales
Single articles from Great Plains Quarterly  are now available for purchase through Project MUSE.

Sponsoring Society


Reading List: Climate Change

Check out this list of peer-reviewed articles focusing on Critical Theory, Environmental Ethics, Economics & Business, and other areas of study on Climate Change.

Reading List: Migration

This list of peer-reviewed materials features articles on many topics spanning Globalization, Genocide, Religion, Diaspora Communities, and other aspects on the topic of Migration.

Reading List: Pandemic

This developing list arose from the COVID-19 pandemic and includes many peer-reviewed articles on topics like Fictional Pandemics, Politics, Cultural Impacts, The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919, and other related areas of study

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