This journal publishes scholarly research whose focus is the context of the home front, broadly considered, in times of war, civil war, and similar conflicts. Its scope is international. The interdisciplinary editorial board is open to submissions from scholars located across the humanities. The time period covered by
Home Front Studies extends from the late nineteenth century to the present.
All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under review elsewhere. Double space all text (including notes and captions) and ensure that the author’s name does not appear anywhere in the manuscript. Prepare the essay in accordance with the
Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, using humanities style endnotes. The journal does not ordinarily review submissions longer than 9,000 words, inclusive of endnotes.
Journal submissions should use the journal’s online review portal, which can be found
Manuscripts with figures should use callouts in the main text to refer to each figure, with the figure captions included at the end of the article. For review, gather black-and-white versions of each figure, label them according to their figure number, and upload them through the Editorial Manager site. If the work is accepted for publication, authors must provide high-quality (400 dpi or more) versions of all artwork. All images that are not the creation of the author(s) require permission to republish, and it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain that permission before publication can proceed.
Members of the editorial board, often in consultation with guest reviewers, assess submitted manuscripts in accordance with the guidelines above. It is a double-anonymous process that ordinarily takes three months. If a work is accepted for publication, the editorial staff will edit it according to space limitations and editorial guidelines, in consultation with the author. Copyright for published material belongs to the University of Nebraska Press.
There is no fee for publication in
Home Front Studies. Contributors
are responsible, however, for obtaining any permissions from individuals or institutions that hold copyright ownership of any element in an accepted manuscript, and appropriate permission lines from those copyright holders must be in place before publication.
Address correspondence concerning manuscripts to James J. Kimble via email at Surface mail should go to James J. Kimble, College of Communication & the Arts, Seton Hall University, 400 South Orange Ave., South Orange NJ 07936 USA.
The journal does not accept unsolicited reviews of books, movies, or exhibitions. Please contact the review editor, Pearl James, to discuss potential review assignments:
Statement of publishing ethics