Journal of Austrian Studies

Journal of Austrian Studies

Edited by Anita McChesney and Peter Meilaender
Subscription includes membership in the Austrian Studies Association

ISSN 2165-669X

eISSN 2327-1809


The Journal of Austrian Studies is an interdisciplinary quarterly that publishes scholarly articles and book reviews on all aspects of the history and culture of Austria, Austro-Hungary, and the Habsburg territory. It is the flagship publication of the Austrian Studies Association and contains contributions in German and English from the world's premiere scholars in the field of Austrian studies. The journal highlights scholarly work that draws on innovative methodologies and new ways of viewing Austrian history and culture. Although the journal was renamed in 2012 to reflect the increasing scope and diversity of its scholarship, it has a long lineage dating back over a half century as Modern Austrian Literature and, prior to that, The Journal of the International Arthur Schnitzler Research Association.

The Journal of Austrian Studies is the official journal of the Austrian Studies Association. Members receive the journal as a benefit of membership. Visit the journal's page on the ASA site.

Table Of Contents

Volume 57, no. 2 (Summer 2024)

The Evolution of Servant Laws in the Habsburg Empire
Ambika Natarajan

Zwischen Realismus und österreichischem Protonaturalismus. Zu Ludwig Anzengrubers Roman Der Sternsteinhof
Daniel Milkovits

“A Test of Fire of One’s Character”: Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Self-Examination by Means of War in World War I
Ulrich Arnswald

Geschlecht und Autorschaft: Stefan Zweigs “Künstlernovelle” Brief einer Unbekannten
Martina Wörgötter

JAS Extra
Alban Berg’s Contribution to the Adolf Loos Festschrift: A New Translation
Daniel Lawler

Review Essay
Gertrude Enderle-Burcel, ed., Heinrich Wildner Tagebücher 1938–1944: “Heute geht es Gegen die Juden, morgen kann es Gegen die anderen gehen . . .”.
Günter Bischof

Olivia Gruber Florek, The Celebrity Monarch: Empress Elisabeth and the Modern Female Portrait.
Hansjakob Werlen

Jana Osterkamp, Vielfalt ordnen. Das föderale Europa der Habsburgermonarchie (Vormärz bis 1918).
Andrei Corbea-Hoisie

Bernadette Reinhold, Oskar Kokoschka und Österreich: Facetten einer politischen Biografie.
Monica Strauss

Daniela Link, Hermann Brochs “Die Verzauberung”: Ein Romanprojekt zwischen Mythos und Krise.
Donald Wallace

Martin A. Hainz, Hrsg., Paul Celan—“sah daß ein Blatt fiel und wußte, daß es eine Botschaft war”: Neue Einsichten und Lektüren.
Elke Nicolai

Olena Staranchuk, Oleg Gryshchenko und Oxana Matiychuk, Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort. Graphic Novel. Übersetzt von Kati Brunner.
Martin A. Hainz

Daniel Aschheim, Kreisky, Israel, and Jewish Identity.
Laura A. Detre

Jacob Mikanowski, Goodbye, Eastern Europe: An Intimate History of a Divided Land.
Joseph W. Moser

Roland Innerhofer and Thomas Kohlwein, eds., WSD*: Die Bibliothek Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler und ihre Lesespuren.
Vincent Kling

Bernhard Fetz, Stephanie Jacobs, and Kerstin Putz, eds., Jetzt & Alles: Österreichische Literatur: Die letzten 50 Jahre.
Vincent Kling

Submissions & Book Reviews

Send  submissions  to  the  editors  at  journalofaustrianstudies@gmail com.  Original  manuscripts in English or German not submitted or published elsewhere are welcome. Send manuscripts as a Microsoft Word .doc file or as a Rich Text File (.rtf ). Manuscripts should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages including notes and must conform to the current MLA style and the Modern Austrian Literature stylesheet. For more on submissions visit

Book and film reviews are assigned; unsolicited reviews are not accepted. Potential reviewers should write to the book review editor at

Editorial Board


Anita McChesney, Texas Tech University

Peter Meilaender, Houghton College

Book Review Editor
Joseph W. Moser, West Chester University

Editorial Board
Katherine Arens, University of Texas at Austin

Thomas Ballhausen, Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Salzburg

Steven Beller, Independent Scholar, Washington DC

Dieter Binder, Universität Graz

Michael Burri, Bryn Mawr College

Diana Cordileone, Point Loma Nazarene University

Robert Dassanowsky, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Daniel Gilfillan, Arizona State University

Christina Guenther, Bowling Green State University

Susanne Hochreiter, Univesität Wien

Vincent Kling, LaSalle University

Martin Liebscher, University College London

Dagmar Lorenz, University of Illinois at Chicago

David Luft, Oregon State University

Imke Meyer, University of Illinois at Chicago

Oliver Speck, Virginia Commonwealth University

Heidi Schlipphacke, University of Illinois at Chicago

Janet Stewart, University of Aberdeen

Gregor Thuswaldner, North Park University  


Call for Papers: Journal of Austrian Studies Special Issue for Graduate Students
The Journal of Austrian Studies seeks submissions for an upcoming special issue dedicated to the work of graduate students. Prospective contributors will be expected to present a version of their article at the 2025 conference of the Austrian Studies Association (March 27-30, Gettysburg, PA). The deadline for final submissions will be May 1, 2025. The complete Call for Papers can be accessed here.

For questions, please contact the guest editors of the special, Christine Le Jeune ( and Julia Lückl (

Article Sales
Single articles from Journal of Austrian Studies are now available for purchase through Project MUSE.

Sponsoring Society

The Journal of Austrian Studies is the official journal of the Austrian Studies Association. Members receive the journal as a benefit of membership.

The Austrian Studies Association (formerly the Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association, MALCA) continues traditions started in 1961, as the only North American association devoted to scholarship on all aspects of Austrian, Austro-Hungarian, and Habsburg territory cultural life and history from the eighteenth century until today.

The Association publishes a quarterly scholarly journal, the Journal of Austrian Studies; the Association holds an annual spring conference, organized around a year's theme. Its other activities include organizing scholarly panels for the annual conventions of the Modern Language Association and at other national and international conferences. Current news and resources of interest are included on this website and distributed through its list-serv and on its Facebook page.

Anyone interested in modern Austrian studies, broadly defined, is encouraged to become a member and support the Association's work.

The ASA originated in a referendum held in early 2011, when the Association's membership voted to change the Association's name and to retitle its journal as the Journal of Austrian Studies. These changes acknowledge what has long been the Association's identity: an interdisciplinary organization that welcomes all eras and disciplines of Austrian studies at its conferences and in its journal, including scholarship on the cultures of Austria's earlier political forms (the Holy Roman Empire, the Austrian Empire, and Austria-Hungary) and scholarship that acknowledges this region's historical multiethnic, multilingual, and transcultural identities and their legacies in the present.

For more information, visit


Reading List: Migration

This list of peer-reviewed materials features articles on many topics spanning Globalization, Genocide, Religion, Diaspora Communities, and other aspects on the topic of Migration.

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