Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies

Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies

 Edited by Avril Tynan

ISSN 1946-2204

eISSN 2156-7204


Storyworlds is an interdisciplinary journal of narrative theory. Featuring cutting-edge research on storytelling practices across a variety of media, including face-to-face interaction, literary writing, film and television, virtual environments, historiography, journalism, and graphic narratives, the journal foregrounds research questions that cut across established disciplines--and hence promotes new, integrative frameworks for inquiry. How do narrative ways of worldmaking differ from other representational practices used to construct or reconstruct worlds, in a broad sense? What constraints and affordances do particular storytelling media bring to the process of building narrative worlds? What tools are needed to characterize, in all its richness and complexity, the experience of inhabiting a narrative world in a given medium or across different media?


Table Of Contents

Volume 13, Number 2 (Winter 2021)

“I want to tell you about Christmastown . . .”: The Navigation of Festive Narrative Tropes in The Nightmare Before Christmas
John D. Ayres

Metanarrative and Resonance in Karl Ove Knausgård’s My Struggle: Book 1
Clara Verri

The Occasion in Rhetorical Narrative Theory: Encountering the Book in Ling Ma’s Severance
Daniel Punday

Minimal Departure and Fictional Narrative Situations
Kai Mikkonen

In Defense of Minimal Departure: A Response to Kai Mikkonen
Marie-Laure Ryan

Guidelines for Authors

Submissions & Book Reviews

Guidelines for Authors

Because Storyworlds is designed to be of interest to readers in many fields, essays should be as accessibly written as possible—even as contributors are encouraged to engage in the best practices of narrative research in their areas of specialization, and to present cutting-edge scholarship on a given aspect of stories or storytelling. To this end, all technical terms should be carefully defined and discipline-specific assumptions, concepts, and methods should be thoroughly explained.

Pertinent questions include (but are not limited to) the following: How do modes of storytelling— narrative ways of worldmaking— differ from other representational practices that involve the construction or reconstruction of worlds, in a broad sense? Put differently, when it comes to world-creation, what distinguishes narrative representations from other contexts in which people design and manipulate symbol systems for the purpose of structuring, comprehending, and communicating aspects of experience? What constraints and affordances do particular storytelling media bring to the process of building narrative worlds? What tools are needed to characterize, in all its richness and complexity, the experience of inhabiting a narrative world in a given medium or across different media? The purpose of Storyworlds is to provide a forum for sustained scholarly inquiry into these and related issues, whose investigation will require collaborative, interdisciplinary work by researchers from across the arts and sciences.

Submissions must be original work. Manuscripts should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length, including notes and bibliography. The journal uses a house style based on the most recent edition of the MLA Style Manual, with dates always mentioned in the parenthetical citation (unless they are noted in the text itself). In the Works Cited section, dates should be listed at the beginning of each citation, as in an author-date system.

Article citation:
Currie, Gregory (2007). “Both Sides of the Story: Explaining Events in a Narrative.” Philosophical Studies 13.5: 49– 63.
Book citation:
Dennett, Daniel (1998). Brainchildren: Essays on Designing Minds. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Chapter in edited volume:
Schechtman, Marya (2007). “Stories, Lives, and Basic Survival: A Refinement and Defense of the Narrative View.” Narrative and Understanding Persons. Ed. Daniel D. Hutto. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. 155– 78.
Sample parenthetical citation:
According to Gergen and Gergen, “the development of such rudimentary narrative forms is favored by functional needs within the society” (2001: 175).

Electronic submissions (saved as Word [.docx] files) are recommended. Hard copy submissions are not accepted at this time.

Editorial Board

Avril Tynan, University of Turku
Benjamin Williams, Carnegie Mellon University

Editorial Board
Jan Alber, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Jens Brockmeier, The American University of Paris
Marta-Laura Cenedese, Durham University
Gregory Currie, University of York
Andreea Deciu Ritivoi, Carnegie Mellon University
Helena Duffy, University of Wrocław
Mark Freeman, College of the Holy Cross
Richard J. Gerrig, Stony Brook University
Peggy Karpouzou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Eneken Laanes, Tallinn University
Genevieve LiveleyUniversity of Bristol
Bartosz Lutostański, University of Warsaw
Hanna Meretoja, University of Turku
Marie-Laure Ryan, Independent Scholar
Roy Sommer, University of Wuppertal
Miłosz Wojtyna, University of Gdańsk
Nikoleta Zampaki, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


​Call for Papers for Special Issue
Deadline 9/30/2024. Special issue theme "Meat Narratives." Details are available here.
(Posted 5/9/2024)

Call for Papers for Special Issue
Deadline 8/31/2024. Special issue theme "Colors in Econarratives about the Human and More-than-Human World." Details are available here.
(Posted 2/29/2024)

Call for Papers in Special Issue
Deadline July 31, 2024. Special issue theme “Theorizing Short Story Practice in the 21st Century.” Details are available here.
(Posted 2/15/2024)

Call for Special Issues and Guest Editors
Initial deadline July 31, 2024. We will continue to accept submissions for special issues on a rolling basis. Details are available here.
(Posted 1/8/2024)

Sponsoring Society


Reading List: Social Media

As online communities continue to widen their reach, so too does our list of peer-reviewed articles on various subjects including Journalism, Communal Narrative, Activism, Marketing, and Image Rehabilitation.

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