Publication Status

Publication Status


The following chart shows the most current issue for each of our journals. Subscribers to the print version of a journal must notify us within six months of the ship date if they fail to receive an issue or if they receive an unacceptably damaged copy and wish a replacement.


Journal Issue Ship date
American Indian Quarterly 42:4 11/14/2018
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation 20:4 *
Anthropologic Linguistics 59:4 01/07/2019
Collaborative Anthropologies 10:1-2 01/03/2019
Feminist German Studies 34 01/03/2019
Frontiers 39:3 10/24/2018
Gettysburg Magazine 60 11/26/2018
Great Plains Quarterly 39:1 01/17/2019
Great Plains Research 28:2 10/22/2018
Historical Geography 46 Online
Hotel Amerika 17 03/__/2019
Intertexts 20:2 *
Journal of Austrian Studies 51:4 01/25/2019
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 5:1 01/17/2019
Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies 5:2 06/04/2018
Journal of Magazine Media 18:2 Online
Journal of Sports Media 13:1 06/25/2018
Legacy 35:2 11/15/2018
Middle West Review 5:1 10/17/2018
Native South 11 07/26/18
NINE 25:1-2 11/16/2018
Nineteenth-Century French Studies 47:1-2 09/13/2018
North Dakota Quarterly 85:1-4 03/__/2019
Nouvelles Études Francophones 33:1 09/06/2018
Resilience 6:1 Online
Storyworlds 8:2 11/07/2017
Studies in American Indian Literatures 30:2 07/09/2018
Studies in American Naturalism 13:1 12/06/2018
symplokē 26:1-2 11/26/2018
The Undecidable Unconscious 4 Online
Western American Literature 53:3 10/09/2018
Women and Music 22 10/15/2018


*These issues were shipped by the previous publisher more than six months ago.