American Indian Quarterly 41:2

American Indian Quarterly 41:2

Edited by Lindsey Claire Smith

Table Of Contents

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Volume 41, Number 2

Jordan’s Principle: The Struggle to Access On-Reserve Health Care for High-Needs Indigenous Children in Canada
Lori Chambers and Kristin Burnett

Flint, Feather, and Other Material Selves: Negotiating the Performance Poetics of E. Pauline Johnson
Manina Jones and Neal Ferris

“We Have Bigotry All Right—but No Alabamas”: Racism and Aboriginal Protest in Canada during the 1960s
Scott Rutherford

Mark Rifkin. Settler Common Sense: Queerness and Everyday Colonialism in the American Renaissance
Gregory D. Smithers

Arnold Krupat, ed. Companion to James Welch’s “The Heartsong of Charging Elk”
Lydia R. Cooper

David H. DeJong. American Indian Treaties: A Guide to Ratified and Unratified Colonial, United States, State, Foreign, and Intertribal Treaties and Agreements, 1607–1911
Jacob C. Jurss

Daniel R. Maher. Mythic Frontiers: Remembering, Forgetting, and Profiting with Cultural Heritage Tourism
Jessica L. Taylor

Lisa King, Rose Gubele, and Joyce Rain Anderson, eds. Survivance, Sovereignty, and Story: Teaching American Indian Rhetorics
Michelle Nicole Boyer-Kelly

Dustin Tahmahkera. Tribal Television: Viewing Native People in Sitcoms
Laura L. Beadling

David J. Carlson. Imagining Sovereignty: Self-Determination in American Indian Law and Literature
Adam Nemmers

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