North Dakota Quarterly 70:4

North Dakota Quarterly 70:4

Edited by Robert Lewis

Table Of Contents

Hemingway: Life and Art
Hemingway's Redemptive Waters of Lago Maggiore
Robert E. Gajdusek
Agnes and Ernest: A Decade before Catherine
John J. Fenstermaker
The Lost Literary Underpinnings of Richard Attenborough's Film In Love and War: The Hemingway Funeral Scene
John R. Bittner
Dignity of Movement: Iceberg Variations—Swimming and Diving in the "Great Strangeness" and Sea Change of Hemingway's Heliophilia
H. R. Stoneback
Hemingway's Chicago: The Iceberg beneath the Water Line
Robert E. Fleming
New Light on Ernest Hemingway's Short Story Fragment "Three Shots"
Max Nänny
Hemingway's Ethics of Writing: The Ironic Semantics of "Whiteness" in "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"
Beatriz Penas Ibáñez
Hemingway and Luis Quintanill
Lawrence H. Martin
The Prose of Life: Lived Experience in the Fiction of Hemingway, Sartre, and Beauvoir
Erik Nakjavani
Hemingway and the Theater
Richard Allan Davison
Hemingway in China
Kaimei Zheng
In 1948 Havana, Revolutionaries as Literary Inspiration
Walter Houk
Robert Lacy
Meeting Ernest Hemingway
Robert Young
Hemingway: Painting and Writing, Omissions and Connections
John E. Sanford
Conversations with Carol Hemingway Gardner at Ninety
Donald Junkins
Hear That Train: Elegy Written in a Country Music Churchyard (a poem for Johnny Cash)
H. R. Stoneback
Robert E. Gajdusek, Hemingway in His Own Country
Erik Nakjavani
Miriam B. Mandel, Hemingway's Death in the Afternoon: The Complete Annotations
Allen Josephs
James Kilgo, Colors of Africa and Galen Geer, Last Supper in Paradise
Robert W. Lewis
Editor's Notes