North Dakota Quarterly

North Dakota Quarterly

Edited by William Caraher

ISSN 0029-277X

eISSN 2836-175X


North Dakota Quarterly is a literary and public humanities journal with roots extending back to the early days of the University of North Dakota. With an international roster of contributors, each issue is a rich mixture of articles, essays, fictions, and poetry. NDQ stands as one of the region’s most widely admired ambassadors and as a persistent landmark in the global literary landscape.

Visit the journal's editorial website.

Table Of Contents

Volume 91, no. 3-4 (Fall/Winter 2024)

Editors’ Note
William Caraher and Maren Schettler 

Farm Girl
Meredith Macleod Davidson

The Audition
John Yohe

The Best Open House I Ever Had
Craig Chambers

The Pleasure of the Lord
David Bradley

The Screen
Kareem Tayyar

Pennies from Heaven
Constance Renfrow

Carol LaHines

Street Signs
Peter N. Van Den Bosch

How to Start Dating Again
Kevin Fitton

Kimberly Groninga

Body Hair
Trinity Montoya

Fruita, Colorado
Nicholas Dighiera

Three Desert Water
Richard M. Rothaus

The Ending of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Ubervilles
John G. Peters

Brooke Moen

Eric J. Miller

Doghood Accounts
Ella Quinlan

To a Captive Coyote
Cell Gannon

Nancy Story

My Parents’ Wedding
Rose Bedrosian

The Coyote
Clell Gannon 

Submissions & Book Reviews

NDQ is now accepting submissions in non-fiction, fiction, and poetry. For detailed instructions, see General queries should be emailed to

Editorial Board


William Caraher

Fiction Editor

Gilad Elbom

Poetry Editor

Paul Worley

Assistant Poetry Editor

Kelsey Woodburn

Nonfiction Editor

Sheila Liming

Art Editor

Ryan Stander

Book Review Editor

Sharon Carson


Andrea Herbst

Editorial Board

Eric Burin

David Haeselin

Andrew Harnish

Joseph Kalka

Adam Kitzes

James Mochoruk

Sheryl O’Donnell

Richard Rothaus

Brian Schill

Kate Sweney


NDQ Volume 87, Nos. 1-2 Available as Free PDF and Subscriptions Discounted
(April 23, 2020)
The latest issue of North Dakota Quarterly is available as a free PDF download from the editorial website. This is part of an effort by editor William Caraher and the University of Nebraska Press to make content more readily available to all during the COVID-19 pandemic. Go here to download the PDF

Additionally, subscriptions to the journal are 10% off and copies of single issues are $2 off when ordered online on the UNP website. Use coupon code 9389VT to receive the discount through 6/30/2020.

North Dakota Quarterly Partners with University of Nebraska Press
The College of Arts and Sciences of the University of North Dakota and journal editor William Caraher, associate professor of history at UND, have selected the University of Nebraska Press as the new publishing partner for North Dakota Quarterly. The journal’s editorial home will remain at the University of North Dakota, and Dr. Caraher, along with the journal’s assistant editors and editorial board, will continue to control the journal’s content and direction. The University of Nebraska Press will assume production, marketing, and fulfillment responsibilities beginning in 2019.
Dr. Caraher explained the decision by saying, "For us partnering with University of Nebraska Press makes perfect sense. They allow NDQ to draw upon the marketing, production, and distribution resources of a major university press while allowing us to keep our distinctive identity and traditions intact. We're looking forward to starting this exciting new chapter with UNP and continuing to publish excellent fiction, poetry, and non-fiction for years to come."
 “We’re pleased to be partnering with North Dakota Quarterly. University of Nebraska Press is the largest publisher in the region and, as such, we’re committed to using our expertise to support excellent journals like this,” said Donna Shear, the press’s director.

Volume 85 Available for Free Download
To celebrate the return of North Dakota Quarterly after a brief break in publication and the start of William Caraher's term as editor, the entire Volume 85 is available as a free PDF. Download it

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Free Download of Volume 85

To celebrate the revitalization of the journal, thank its supporters, and encourage potential new readers, the entire text of Volume 85 is available as a free PDF.

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