American Book Review 42: 1

American Book Review 42: 1

Edited by Jeffrey R. Di Leo

Table Of Contents

Volume 42, Number 1, November/December 2020

Page 2: Tumbling Dice
Jeffrey R. Di Leo

Introduction to Focus: Cybernetics
Henry Sussman

Cinema's Expansion into the Noosphere
Caroline A. Jones

Sketches of a Needed Future
Paul Pangaro

Sunday School for Cyborgs
R. John Williams

Digital Culture's Humanistic Underpinnings
Nina Wexelblatt

Cybernetics, Intelligence, and Cosmotechnics
Bruce Clarke

Self-Aware Science Creation
John Bentley

Process and Individuation
Mark Hansen

The Alternative Culture of Cybernetics
Henry Sussman

Interventions: An Interview with Paola Mendoza and Abby Sher
Frederick Luis Aldama

Wonder and Heart
Duane Niatum

Novel Play
Lance Olsen

Pessimist Engagements
Saidat Ilo

Poetry for a Pandemic
Richard Levine

Recognizing Sedakova
Keith Kopka

Metonymy in Motion
T. C. Marshall

Bernheimer and a Bonus
Lorraine Lupo, Paul Maziar

Southern Spaces
Jane Rosenberg LaForge

Consider the Octopus
Niina Pollari

Like a Box of Chocolates
Bill Tremblay

Dirty Fighter
William Householder

Complex Heartstrings
Lauren Cortese

Love Lies Large
Rebecca Cuthbert

The Departed: Broken and unbroken symbols
Dinda L. Gorlée

Scenes: Write Bloody Publishing an interview with Derrick Brown