Feminist German Studies 39:1

Feminist German Studies 39:1

Edited by S.E. Jackson, Alexandra Stewart, and Beverly Weber
Guest edited by Sonia Gollance and Kerry Wallach

Table Of Contents

Volume 39, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2023
Special Issue: When Feminism and Antisemitism Collide

Guest-edited by Sonia Gollance and Kerry Wallach

Editors’ Introduction                                                                                                              

Introduction: When Feminism and Antisemitism Collide                                                     

Sonia Gollance and Kerry Wallach

Jewish Women and Intersectional Feminism: The Case of Bertha Pappenheim                   

Elizabeth Loentz

Stadt mit Jüdinnen: Antisemitism and Misogyny in Hans Karl Breslauer’s Recently Restored Film Die Stadt ohne Juden (1924)                                                                                          

Lisa Silverman

Shame, Desire, and Queer Jewish Girlhood in Annette Eick’s Semiautobiographical Fiction, 1929–1930 000

Meghan Paradis

Intimate Associations: Reading Community in Sasha Marianna Salzmann’s Außer sich (2017) and Else Lasker-Schüler’s Der Malik (1919)                                                                

J. Rafael Balling

Between Remembering and Forgetting in Adriana Altara’s Titos Brille (2011)                   

Lea H. Greenberg

German, Jewish, and Female: Encounters with Antisemitism in Mirna Funk’s Winternähe (2015) and Deborah Feldman’s Überbitten (2017)                                                           

Rebekah Slodounik
